In fact, finances are a trigger for stress-related conditions across the globe, which continue to damage lives and prevent individuals from realising their full potential. According the American Psychological Association, one in five U.S. citizens consider themselves to be extremely stressed, while a staggering 45 million working days are lost due to stress in the UK each year.
If you’re serious about managing your finances without incurring significant levels of stress, however, you should consider implementing organisational tactics. After all, such tactics compel you to think strategically about your finances, while enabling you to create systems and contingency plans to counter any scenario.
So, here are three tactics that will help you to relax while also managing your capital effectively:
1. Create a Budget
When you develop organisational tactics, you’re forced to focus solely on the factors that you can actively control. This immediately helps to eliminate stress, while allowing to develop relevant strategies that can take you forward.
Creating a budget offers a relevant example, as this helps you to develop a viable plan that is based on your precise financial circumstances. You can also use software in the modern age to calculate your precise income and expenditure, creating an accurate sum of disposable income that can be utilised effectively.
The process itself can also be cathartic, as it represents an exercise in taking control of your finances and eliminating unfounded stress. Budgeting can even identify potential areas for making savings, particularly if you focus on everyday items of expenditure that have an incremental impact on your monthly and annual budgets.
2. Create an Emergency Fund
If you’re able to budget successfully and determine your precise amount of disposable income (and in some instances increase this), the next step is to build an emergency fund that provides a sense of peace and comfort.
This fund will essentially grow over time, while it is set aside to accumulate interest in a savings account. It can then be used to provide reassurance and financial assistance during times of need, whether you need to cover unexpected expenses or take advantage of a commercial opportunity that may come your way.
To achieve this, set realistic amounts that you can save each month, based on the findings derived from your budget. Then, create a minimum amount that you’d like to have in the fund at all times, as this ensures that your capital is used appropriately and capable of easing your financial stress.
3. Partner with Financial Experts who can help you
Occasionally, your stress may be the result of a specific financial issue that is difficult to manage alone. In this instance, it’s important to tackle the direct cause of your stress and resolve this issue effectively, even if you need to seek out external and expert help.
If you’re struggling with mounting debt, for example, there are number of advisory firms and service providers that can offer guidance and practical assistance (such as loan consolidation). Similarly, those who are looking to optimise their capital and seek out investment opportunities could partner with a reputable wealth management firm, in order to make informed opportunities and realise their fiscal goals.
In some instances, of course, asking for help can be challenging. This is key to tackling stress and resolving tangible issues, however, which in turn will enable you to manage your money without stress in the longer-term.