Now that spring is sprung there’s no better time to refresh and rebirth a new beginning in our lives. Even though we are still in the middle of coronavirus uncertainty, there is plenty of time and opportunity to plant a seed and watch it grow. Below are three tips to spring clean your mind and your life!
1. Fall In Love With Your Gifts And Talents All Over Again
What talents do you have that you most likely are over looking or are under appreciating ? What are you good at? What have other’s said you are good at doing over the years?
If it’s music, take an online music course to learn a different genre of music. If it’s cooking, dust off those old cook books and fire up YouTube and learn how to cook new exotic dishes. Whatever it is you are good at doing invest time in developing those things. Expand your possibilities by learning things in a new and unique way and watch how your life begins to bloom!
2. Clean Up Your Relationships
Take inventory on the health of your relationships. It doesn’t matter if it’s romantic relationships, work, family or friends, unhealthy relationships are expensive. Unhealthy relationships reek havoc on our lives. Having worked with and advocated for victims of domestic violence for over sixteen years of my career, toxic relationships of any kind come at an enormous cost to our body, mind and spirit. They take years from your life, rob you of your peace and leave many with a sense of brokenness.
Take stock in the relationships that bring you peace, joy, and fulfillment. Invest your time and your love in those relationships. Those that bring you pain and suffering, demote as needed.
3. Straighten Out Your Finances
How healthy is your bank account? Try taking an honest and sometimes painful look at your finances and see if you are where you want to be. You can’t fix a problem until you admit there is one. If you aren’t where you should be, that’s okay.
It’s never to late to change directions. Now is the time to implement a plan. Create AND stick to a budget, sign up for an online class in money management. Take an online class in investing your money.
Once we find ourselves in our new normal after the dust settles with this pandemic, it will once again be a great time to make your money work for you. This will be over one day and we will survive this crisis. Use this time to look forward to your brighter financial future starting today!
With all of the extra time you have now, find out what you need to know in order to grab your slice of financial success. Taking control of your money is key to taking control of your life. So what are you waiting for? Isn’t it time you SPRUNG into action?