1) Research about things not related to your work. You won’t blame yourself for your       personal failures later on.

2) Be willing to accept heartbreaks. It will make you stronger.

3) Live independently at least once away from your parent’s home.

4) Travel solo in remote places; it will make you smarter in hundred unnoticeable             ways.

5) Have the strength to quit when things are not working

6) Have the conviction to commit when they are

7) Listen to the signs the universe keep signaling. The cosmic energy is always                    communicating with us. We are either busy worrying or neglecting our innermost        instincts.

8) Spend money on things which matter to you. Negate the subtle lure of                            advertisements and perceived marketing.

9) Think about the kind of life you would want to have in five years and choose your         career and partner fitting into that imagination.

10) Learn to respond not react. Ever heard of Sunder Pichai’s The Cockroach Theory?

11) Consciously talk about ideas and things bigger than yourself and people.

12) Stop gossiping and bitching about someone. It’s a massive waste of energy.

13) Cut off from people who mostly do the above.

14) Have the courage to confront people about what you don’t like in them instead of         talking about it behind their backs

15) Stop shaming your own body. The size of your pants doesn’t matter but your                 confidence does. When you shame yourself you allow others to do the same.

16) Don’t buy clothes just because it is in trend. What looks good on that fashion                 blogger may not be your style.

17) Do not just read people but read books too.

18) Always ask yourself if you are constantly consciously contributing towards the              world you want to live in.

19) Practice Keyif. Learn from Turks. They know how to cut some slack by allowing               themselves some pleasurable state of idle relaxation. I am not talking about                   weekly spas and weekly slumbers; I am talking about enjoying the morning                   coffee  in peace and listening to old soulful music.

20) Have the courage to ask for forgiveness because, life is too short for pride and              prejudice.

21) Learn to laugh at your own mistakes and flaws.

22) Don’t leave your feelings and thoughts for another day. Another day never                    comes, but death may come, god forbids.

23) Ask people simple questions like how are they? Instead of asking what’s up!. If              anyone asks, what’s up? Tell them it’s fan.

24) Take out a piece of paper and write down your values, goals, visions and                         missions. Divide it into short,middle and long term.Make sure your thoughts,                 actions, words and decisions align with them.

25) Don’t settle into a relationship because you are lonely and bored. Have the                     courage to walk out of a relationship if it doesn’t even give the basics like                       integrity, honesty, love and respect.

26) Always remember; what we love about ourselves is what we love in other. What           we criticise about people is what we can’t see in ourselves. You will become more         forgiving and kind once you always remember this.

27) When in self doubt and self crushing inadequacies, write about five times in the             past you felt proud of yourself.

28) Ask more questions. Ask silly questions.

29) Stop taking things personally.

30) Serve a purpose. It makes our discomfort and suffering worth it.

Originally published at www.thesaturninesoul.com