By Angelina Darrisaw

If work has been challenging lately, getting started some days might be difficult. I’ve had clients who are very unhappy with their jobs describe feeling anxiety, nausea, and stress just from even thinking about going to work. The descriptions they’d share about how they felt on nights before work sounded comparable to funeral preparations. That sort of stress can take a toll on physical health, as well as your motivation in other areas of your life.

If you are having a rough time getting started today, here are four ways to renew your motivation and bring the excitement back!

  1. Take five minutes to think about a goal you have for the next three months. If you could have your way and nothing was holding you back, where would you like to see yourself 3 months from now? After you identify that goal, think about how the work you are doing today can help you achieve that goal. Then attach an actual date to your three month goal to make it real and hold yourself accountable.
  2. Determine if the role you are in has room for you to grow. If you haven’t already, be really critical about the growth potential within your current role. Take a look at who was in the role before you and their trajectory. Are there any indicators that there will be different outcomes for you? If you notice that people who have had your role or are in similar roles are not growing, that may be an indicator that there is not a lot of opportunity for growth. Be proactive in this case and…
  3. Spend some time identifying opportunities you might be missing. You can ask yourself some questions to help you reframe your current situation and identify opportunities you might be missing:
  • Can I use this role to grow a new transferable skill to help prepare me for my next step?
  • Can I use this as a means to financial freedom, perhaps cut down some of my debts or save for something I really want that is a part of my goal?
  • Can I network in this position and meet the right people that can help me achieve my next goal?
  • Can I leverage any employee benefits (e.g. tuition reimbursement, gym discounts, etc) that can help me achieve a goal I have for myself?

If exploring these questions doesn’t bring you to the opportunities you want, try to:

4. Engage your manager in a conversation about your expectations. Ask your manager to help you identify ways you can grow new skills in your current role. Can you take on additional projects? Can you volunteer for a company resource group? If your company offers internal trainings, utilize those resources. You can add to your resume in your current position and make yourself a more valuable candidate for your next role.

Even if you are feeling stagnant, maintain a positive attitude and find ways to grow in the current seat you are sitting in. There is a value in the work you are doing today. The clearer you are on your short term goals, the easier it will be to identify what that value is and how it’s helping you achieve your goal. Keep pushing!

A version of this article was originally published at

Originally published at