When I look around at my community, I see friends, family members, and colleagues struggling to take proper care of themselves. I sometimes battle this too.
As a whole, we are overweight, overworked, and overly distracted. Plus, we are EXHAUSTED. In today’s world, we are inundated with information, responsibilities, and plain old busyness. It’s easy to get sucked under the weight of other’s expectations without realizing it. Yet, we often forget to take a moment to see if we are busy doing the right things.
Self-care is the antidote to all of this. And while it is a super broad term (self-care is different for everyone) the gist remains the same for all of us:
Self-care is taking great care of yourself. It’s putting your health and wellness FIRST on the to-do list.
We all have the ability to do this. We simply need to remember why it’s so important. So, let’s take a look!
*Plus, read here for amazing Sunday self care ideas!
- You Will Live Better & Longer
When you neglect your body, it slowly breaks down. Soon you begin feeling less than you best. And eventually, you’ll live with daily pain (or a massive health event) because your body can no longer carry the extra loads you’re giving it.
But by getting adequate sleep, hydration, movement, and nutrition, you’ll ensure that you live long enough to enjoy life for decades to come. Isn’t it worth it to see your grandbabies one day? And to live with the energy and mobility you need to do amazing things?
2. You Will Be Happier
Happiness is one of the main objectives of life. And if you take the time to sit in silence, have a hobby, listen to your favorite music, or have regular time with family and friends, you will be 10x happier for it. If you ever wish you were happier, taking superb care of yourself is the first step.
3. You Will Fulfill Your Dreams
Most of us are so busy going through the motions of daily life that we don’t give ourselves the time to THINK about the life we truly want. But by building in time for yourself to relax and re-nourish, you’ll be able to reflect on what makes your life meaningful, whether you are climbing the right ladder effectively, and the progress you want to make towards your goals.
Plus, many of the world’s greatest thinkers will tell you that they got their breakthrough ideas during downtimes like walks in nature.
4. You Will Enjoy Life More
Finally, by purposefully slowing yourself down and scheduling in your joyful activities, you will be more present in everyday life. It will remind you to “smell the roses” and pay attention to the beautiful life that you are living. So many of us rush through our best moments. Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy them more, and notice our surroundings?
In Conclusion
There’s no doubt: taking great care of yourself is a necessity, not a luxury! So, how will you add self-care into your schedule this week? And what do you need more of in your life? Here are a few ideas:
- Relaxation time
- Time with loved ones
- Nature walks
- Reading
- Meditation/Prayer
- Exercise
- Healthy food
- Positive input
Self-care will never happen unless you get intentional about the benefits you want to see in your life. So, I encourage you to make it the priority it needs to be. Do it for yourself and those you love, but do it NOW.
“When we care for ourselves as our very own beloved—with naps, healthy food, clean sheets, a lovely cup of tea—we can begin to give in wildly generous ways to the world, from abundance.” —Anne Lamott