Last week I’ve been offering free career guidance to 400+ people in 2 huge facebook groups.
The most common question I get is,
” My job is making me miserable. Should I stay, or should I start looking?”
Are you struggling with this too? If the torn between the 2 choices have been occupying your mind for quite a while and you still haven’t made a decision, I may know why.
REASON #1: You are seeking a permission and approval to start your job search.
Let me ask you – Why don’t you just start looking right away?
“I have bills to pay.”
It’s a convenient excuse that everyone uses, but this is NOT TRUE at all.
Most people have mixed up the point of decision in exploring new job opportunities with the point of time when you actually have to decide if you will be staying in your current job. If the paycheck is a key concern, then the exact moment to decide whether to quit your current job is WHEN you already have a new offer on hand. NOT NOW when you haven’t even started the job search!
The reality is, if you never look, you will never find what’s available to you.
It’s like when you open your wardrobe full of clothes, but you feel like “I’ve got nothing to wear!”; Then what would you do? Do you empty your wardrobe all at once? I bet you would just go out and see what’s available out there, buy a new one, and come back to throw out what’s no longer fit. Alternatively, think about when was the last time you use Google to search for something new? 2 hours ago? Then why it took you soooo much resistance and courage to just begin searching?
REASON #2: The job searching process seems to be a very daunting task for you.
This is very normal since most people were not taught at school on job hunt skills and you are not using the skills as often.
Yes job search in itself is a project, and it would take effort and time in doing research and preparing your applications and interviews. But skills can be acquired. There are tons of easy-to-follow eCourses at places like Udemy on job hunting and interviewing skills. And you absolutely have $10 to invest in learning a skill that will benefit you the rest of your career.
REASON #3: You feel guilty for your boss/coworkers/ the people you serve, just by the thought of leaving them alone
This is an extremely common issue among kind-hearted souls who are the giver in a team, or the helping professionals who are constantly in the state of burnt out. However, if you cannot show up as your best self at work, how can you serve them with the best they deserve to be treated?
By allowing yourself to burnt out, which hurts the quality of the service you are providing, you are actually doing them a disservice without realising it. So you should proactively seek to change the condition at work for you to thrive, or else you deserve a better place that allows you to do so. Trust me, if your company really sees you as their top priority, they will adapt to make sure you can give your best at work!
REASON #4: You believe it’s very difficult to find a nice job, the economy is not good, the evil bosses are everywhere etc etc
TOTAL BS. Don’t buy-in the circulating thoughts that you keep hearing – they are like rumours that if you have to dig the source of that claims, you can’t find much proof.
I’ve been a Recruiter for YEARS and I can tell you that many recruiters are crying to find someone who matches! My fellow recruiters keep saying that ‘there are no smart people who can do the job out there!”; More or less like the rumours that you ‘ve been hearing, “there’d NO good job out there!”
There is a terrible mismatch between the right talent and the job and until someone genius develops a new technology to narrow the gap, remember a recruiter’s job is to HIRE, not to judge you – so help them help you!
It’s your life – why are you asking for other’s opinion to decide how and where you spend your time on?
So my dear readers, please, do yourself a favour:
Start choosing a truth that is favourable to you – because If you are spending 8+hours every single day feeling miserable, how can you get aligned with the Universe and manifest your magic? Today, starting believing that:
- There is a wonderful, respectful and fun workplace waiting to have you on board;
- There is a team of like-minded people who are eager to have you join them with your unique gifts and expertise;
- There are tons of recruiters out there hungry to finally find the perfect fit for the role (YOU!) and are willing to pay what you deserve.
- You have what it takes to do what gives you meaning and fulfillment, so you can leverage your genius and contribute and connect to the bigger purpose that is designed for you
And then go for it, and start taking massive actions to create the career you love.
You’ve got this – I have faith in you!