Empower yourself today by making the best investment you will ever make in life one that has many paybacks benefits and long term gains.
Free yourself from emotional and physically debt and don’t allow yourself to become mentally and emotionally insolvent. Short term pain will be involved to make long-term gains, but it is worth it.

Here are four great questions to ask yourself which will help you discover why

1. How much do I value myself?
Self-value is more behavioral than emotional. It is about how you act toward what you value, including yourself. To value and appreciate yourself goes beyond viewing yourself as important. You must recognize your strengths and weaknesses while investing time, energy, effort, and sacrifice into developing and nourishing them and learn how to sustain them for life.

2. Do I comprehend my self-worth?
Self-esteem is crucial for your success it enables you to set challenging goals and build the self-belief to pursue them. Some people are blessed with naturally high self-worth and esteem, but for some of us, it is something we have to work on to raise continually. If your self-worth is low start building it today by writing down some things you love about yourself and your life.

Then compliment yourself on a task well done and learn to give yourself praise first. If you are always the one raising everyone else’s self-worth and moral remember you need some too.
When you increase your self-esteem, you will become more confident, and ambitious.

3. What is the return on my investment?
There are so many payoffs the list is endless but think about your current situation right now and imagine if you make this investment what the final result and gains will be for you. Say for example you give up smoking think about the years you will add to your life not to mention the financial gain which can be reinvested in your life to achieve more goals. How about losing some weight yet again you will have added years to your life not to mention increased confidence and happiness. When I made the decision to change my life in 2014, I focused on those long term gains, and they were my driving force.

They paid off my medical bills are practically zero compared to thousands before. I saved the money from quitting cigarettes and invested it in my personal training but most importantly I got my health and happiness back something money could never buy. I have bought myself my future and more time with the people I love and cherish.

4. What deposits do I have in my past success bank to withdraw from?
We all have past strengths and achievements and now is the time to reflect on them and bring it forward into what you want to achieve now. Think about your strengths write them down even consider putting them into a word cloud art generator such as tagul.com, print it off and put it somewhere you can see it every day.

Use your past ability to trigger self-confidence and learn to train your brain to be calm and trust in yourself which will allow you to access success. Calm and confident equals motivated and resilient it all adds to your profits and long-term prosperity. Stay solid and be a stable investor in your life no matter what outside factors affect you, bank the success from past achievements and claim your inheritance today.

Invest in yourself you can afford it trust me

Originally published at medium.com


  • Pauline Harley

    I Help Bored Mid Career Professionals and Executives Transition with Confidence, Clarity and Candour

    I listen to and write real-life stories that connect mid-career professionals and executives with their value-driven purpose. I've had the pleasure of working with Executives, VP's, Directors and Mid to Late Seasoned Career Professionals worldwide to prepare exit strategies and change careers. I help my clients to: 1. Find the next challenge in their career 2. Transition out of an executive role 3. Achieve a sense of whole self and impact in their newfound career 4. Find the courage to make a career change, following redundancy or retirement and prepare an exit strategy