How you start your morning sets the tone for the hours ahead, which is why it’s important to be intentional about this time of day. You don’t need to do anything extensive or time-consuming — even one small morning habit can help you achieve a productive and fulfilling day. We asked our Thrive community members how they make the most of their mornings, and we love the tips they shared with us:
Try a five-minute meditation
“I’ve incorporated short, five-minute meditation sessions to my morning routine. It helps me start my day with clear intentions. It also helps keep me centered, and I get a great feeling of accomplishment for simply setting aside those few minutes to care for myself.”
—Denise Rundle, Microsoft
Write down your top priorities
“I’ve taken on the Microstep of focusing on my top three priorities every morning as I start my day. What I’ve found is that by being able to narrow my field of vision to those top three priorities, it’s helped me feel more calm throughout the day, and prevents me from becoming overwhelmed with a long to-do list.”
—Marjorie Mays, Levi’s
Leave water on your desk
“I was horrible at drinking enough water throughout the day beforehand, but I am getting better. It helps! Leaving a big water bottle on my desk in the morning really works.”
—John Beckmann, Zoom
Start the day with movement
“Depending on the timing of my first meeting, I alternate between my Peloton and walking a few miles around the neighborhood each morning. It is amazing how turning up the volume on moving my body has helped me feel more balanced, and restored my sanity and serenity!”
—Lynne Oldham, Zoom