The biggest struggle I hear from people when it comes to content, is coming up with good, quality stuff to post on a daily basis. Clients are constantly telling me how hard it is for them to create social content every single day, and after a week or two of consistent posting, they run out of ideas and give up.
We forget our intention so we are missing the element that gives us the spark of creativity we need to post from the heart; the feeling that allows you to create meaningful content with ease.
I want to share with you a quick and easy spiritual practice that I use, that will help you start posting content with intention so you can continue sharing content that speaks from your soul and resonates deeply with your people.
First, let’s understand what posting content with intention means.
Posting with intention is using your core purpose as a guide. Whether using your internal personal purpose or your business purpose, posting with intention is divinely inspired.
To understand this more, I’ll tell you what posting content with intention doesn’t look like:
- Posting random thoughts or topics that don’t relate to your core purpose.
- Forcing yourself to post because you haven’t posted for days now and you know you HAVE to.
- Sitting at your desk with a blank screen in front of you going “Umm. Umm. Umm.”, as you try desperately to force your brain to… “OMG come up with something! Anything!”
Does any of that sound familiar? I know how it feels because I’ve been there too. Sometimes striving to post every day turns into producing low-quality content. And that doesn’t help your content efforts, or your business, at all.
As soon as I decided that I’d had enough of making content creation painful, things changed. I put away my ego-brain pressuring me into posting “for the sake of it” because doing so that leads to posts that are boring and irrelevant which in-turn, lower your reputation and engagement rates.
Instead, I turned inward. I decided that if the rest of my life were lived using spiritual practice to enhance it, then surely it would help me create consistent content in a better way. And I was right.
Why should we start posting with intention?
There are a lot of reasons this is important. Posting with intention allows us to be more authentic, create more powerful content and speak more directly to our desired people. For me, the biggest reason to do this is vulnerability.
I believe that vulnerability is what truly connects us – human to human. It doesn’t matter if it’s two business owners speaking with each other, or an entrepreneur reaching out to a potential client, vulnerability builds a deep connection between us and that’s what makes intentional posting so effective.
So how do we do it? How do we start posting with intention?
Here is a step-by-step process on how I do it. Give it a try, or modify it to fit your own comfort level and be inspired to create better content with ease and flow.
Step 1: Become still.
If you are struggling at your desk on what to say, stop and take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Stop worrying about not being able to come up with anything and just stay still for a few moments.
Go back to your purpose.
- Why did you start your business?
- What does your heart & soul want?
- Who are you trying to help?
Step 2: Go inward. Start remembering yourself.
After getting still, ask the Universe for guidance with your content. Questions you may ask for guidance on:
- What do I want people to know right now?
- What will help my audience grow and learn at this moment?
- What can I give?
- How can others benefit from my expertise right now?
For the first few seconds, your ego will kick in and will tell you that you don’t know the answer to these questions.
But trust the process. Stay still. Breathe. Ask the questions. Be patient for the answers.
Step 3: Think of a personal story.
When you’re purpose is clear, go back to the topic you want to write about and think of your personal connection to this topic. Personal stories create that bridge you need to reach your audience, so they start trusting you.
Step 4: Before posting, note your feelings.
Before you click the post button, think about your feelings.
- Why do you want to share this?
- What did you feel when writing this post?
- What do you want others to feel when they read this?
It’s important to take this step because it keeps you grounded, shows your authenticity, and stops you from sounding salesly. Trust me; people know it when someone writes stories just to manipulate a sale.
When you’ve identified your feelings, and your intuition tells you to share in service, then click the post button and FEEL good about it.
Now, you’ve posted your content with intention – and your post will be heard by those that need it most.
Tell me, when was the last time you pushed yourself too hard because you thought you were failing miserably when you weren’t posting regularly? What do you feel when you start posting with intention?