By Jane Burnett 

As you sleep, your dream seems to get longer and longer as you continue to settle in … until you wake up in a panic. Your eyes fly open, you check the clock and realize you’ve been asleep for far too long — you’ll be late for work!

Oversleeping has happened to the best of us — here are four things to do when your day has this unfortunate beginning.

Contact your manager

Depending on how late you’re going to be, you should give your boss and/or team a heads up ASAP that you are, in fact, on your way into the office. Also let them know if any delays crop up, threatening to make you even later than you already are.

Just remember to stay calm— you’ll make it to work eventually. This is where focusing on what you can actually control can come in handy.

Grab something for breakfast

Trust me: You’ll be glad you did.

Make sure you eat or take something with you before bolting out the front door — whether it’s a piece of fruit, a quick bowl of microwaveable oatmeal or a bar for the road.

Having a light snack in your bag can also be a big help if you get stranded on the way in.

Be careful: Take it easy on the road

Safety is more important than anything — it’s better to be a little late than wind up in an accident as you rush to work.

Yes, you should try to catch the next bus or train if you take public transportation on your commute, but never at the cost of safety (whether it’s yours or someone else’s).

Get centered in any way you can

This might just be the most difficult thing to do when you’re feeling super stressed out on the way to work, but it’s a smart thing to do.

Whether you practice mindfulness on your way over, or find reasons to be grateful for the life you have (despite the rough patches), you should take the time to get centered. After all, it’s only a matter of time before you get hit with a pile of work once you get in.

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