If you’re hosting a Friendsgiving celebration this year, you might be wondering what you need to know to make it a success. As time goes on, this kind of event is becoming more and more common. On average, millennials eat 2.7 meals with family and 1.8 meals with friends during this celebration, and that number is increasing.
Friendsgiving is similar to Thanksgiving except you get to choose who you dine and celebrate with. For some, it’s a drag to surround themselves with family members they don’t see eye to eye with or other people they don’t relate to. Friendsgiving gives people the opportunity to celebrate with the people they choose to, which is one reason why it’s such a popular practice.
If you’re hosting a Friendsgiving feast this year, here are four tips to do so without a hitch.
1. Go Potluck Style
It’s a lot of responsibility, work, and money to not only host the celebration but to provide all the food. The celebration itself is about food and lots of it. So, there’s no reason why the burden should fall on one person, even if they’re the host.
Agree with your friends and loved ones that the event will be potluck style. Each person can choose what dish to bring so that, all together, you have a full course meal and enough servings for everyone.
You can also use a potluck style for items other than food. For example, if someone attending Friendsgiving isn’t big on cooking or doesn’t know how to cook, they can be in charge of something else, such as decorations or planning. Someone can also be in charge of bringing alcoholic beverages and cooking utensils. There’s always something for attendees to do if they don’t provide food, so don’t let them off the hook and end up doing most of the work.
2. Confirm The Guest List
It’s easier to plan different components like food and timing when you know who’s coming and who’s not. As the host, you need to confirm the guest list well ahead of time so you’re aware of what’s to come and can make enough for everyone who will be there.
As a basic principle, you’ll want to confirm the guest list for about a week or so in advance. Use an RSVP form or event plugin to stay organized with attendance. This gives you enough time to buy what you need, clean the house, and gather what you need to host a successful, enjoyable Friendsgiving.
Make sure you invite people because you genuinely want them there and enjoy their company, not because you feel sorry for them or you feel obligated. The point of Friendsgiving is to spend time with people you enjoy being around since Thanksgiving requires many to do the opposite.
3. Stock up on Essentials
With more people in your home, there may be items you need more of to accommodate everyone. Not to mention you’ll have a ton of dishes and cleaning up to do afterward, so taking steps prior to the party will make all the difference.
Buy extra toilet paper, towels, stain remover, ice, and whatever else you think you’ll need to have a smooth celebration. To avoid cleaning tons of glass dishes and make cleanup an easy success, ask your guests to bring paper plates or provide them yourself. If you want to help the environment, request that your guests bring their own cutlery and dishware, if possible.
There are always leftovers at the end of any get-together, and the same is true for Friendsgiving. Unless you want them to go bad in your fridge, you can use to-go containers to serve them to your guests to take home.
4. Consider Dietary Restrictions
If you or one of your friends has a dietary restriction, the best course of action is to ask them what works best for them. You don’t have to struggle to accommodate one or two people, but keeping them in mind is the courteous, respectful thing to do. If you want them at the party, then you need to consider their needs.
Find out if there are dietary restrictions you and your guests need to be aware of when preparing their dishes so everyone is on the same page. Those with restrictions can bring their own dish or dishes to enjoy so they know they have something to eat.
The great thing about Friendsgiving is that you can make it whatever you want it to be. With enough preparation and planning, you can throw a Friendsgiving feast that fulfills you and makes you feel grateful for the people in your life.