I love the moon and the stars. I’ve gotten more and more into my woo-woo side in this last year and I have to tell you it’s powerful stuff. It all started with two very logical and rationale realizations.

  1. The moon impacts the tides. The largest bodies of water are impacted by the moon. I’m largely water. The fact that the moon could have an impact on me in the same way it does MASSIVE bodies of water….makes sense.
  2. The last time Mercury went in Retrograde my computer needed a complete refresh, my kitchen aid mixer workhorse broke, my phone cracked and that’s just the big stuff.

I don’t “get” Mercury in Retrograde from a skilled astrologers stand point and if that’s what you want I have to point you to my coach and friend Jenn — she’s amazing and she can give you such good personalized guidance.

I’ve read a bit about Mercury in Retrograde and this sentence sums it up pretty nicely:

“In astrology, Mercury rules communication, travel, and technology — so all of these areas go haywire for about three weeks.” Read the full blog post here.

So given what I’ve personally experienced and what I’ve learned about Mercury in Retrograde here are 4 Ways I’m Embracing Mercury in Retrograde:

I need a decision detox. I’ve been pulling the levers, making the decisions, pushing forward on SO much and I’m kind of grateful that I get a few weeks to just put a pin in it. My standard reply: “I’m not in a spot to make any commitments right now but I’ll be assessing the situation again in early May and will get back to you!”

I’m ready to just see how stuff flows and happens without me holding that spoon stirring the pot. I’m going to let things sit an extra day and I might even update my email auto-responder to say that I’m currently processing the previous days emails so you can expect a response tomorrow! I don’t want to play email tennis, I don’t want to be a firefighter in my email and I don’t want to feel like there is URGENCY everyplace when I know it’s not real.

There has been SO much going on that I need some time to process it. I can turn down the outside volume and just get what’s in my head out onto paper. Not out into the world…just paper and I can and should give myself the room to write in the margins on my thoughts from yesterday. To help facilitate this I’m not going to read anything in the vein of “development” books or take any courses. I need to just process without putting more on top. I’m not good at this so it’s going to be a practice.

I needed to do a big backup of my photos and computer anyway so I’m going to do that now. I know technology can get wonky during a retrograde but finding and making the time to back things up just always gets pushed back so I’m glad to have the deadline looming so it actually gets done.

Here’s to finding the perfect joy and stillness and time of reflection in this retrograde!

Originally published at medium.com