How often do you get advised to cater for your mind just as you do your body?

Don’t get me wrong, taking good care of your body is of utmost importance, but so is taking great care of your mind.

What makes the mind even more delicate is that you cannot physically see or touch it, and so it gets a lot tricky unlike the body where a visit to the doctor could fix you.

If you must have a sound and peaceful mind, you must master certain ways and habit that would engineer your mind in that like and here are 4 of them:

Learn to defeat frustration

At more than one point in our lives everyone has experienced frustration. It is somewhat similar to rage and anger; it is certainly as damaging, just that it usually comes after one has failed at or to get something.

The first step to defeating frustration is in recognizing that as long as you exist, you are susceptible to getting frustrated. In doing this, you prepare yourself to recognize it as soon as it comes and you tackle it head-on, which is the next step.

Frustration is like a disease and just like every other disease, the only way to defeat it quickly is to deal with it as quickly as it comes.

While submitting oneself to frustration might have some tiny benefits including emotional block, the cons far outweighs any brief relief it might give.

In failing to deal with your frustration, it could become a habit for whenever you encounter tough situations, which in the long run can only lead to mental, emotional and physical consequences.

Recognize and rectify your fear triggers

Fear, anxiety and stress; what do these three have in common?

They are ultimate enemies to peace of mind.

Getting enough money in time to pay the mortgage, being conflicted about what to prepare for dinner, stressing over whether your home is safe enough from a break-in… These are some of the things that keep most people awake at night and for good reasons too, but stressing over so many things can only take a hard toil on our mind and body.

What if you take a different approach instead?

Fear never solves anything, action does, so why not identify what you often worry about and fix them?

For example, if you are not always sure of what meal to prepare for the evening why don’t you draw up a food table and solve that problem once and for all?

If you are scared of break-ins, why don’t you fortify your primary doors, latch your windows and use garage door openers built with a high horse-power motor?

Our fears come in different degrees and forms, but one sure way to deal with them is to identify the causes and eliminate them.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercising is one of the most important advice anyone could give you.

Experts say that aerobic exercises are good for the mind as they would flood your brain with happy chemicals in the form of endorphin and serotonin.

Endorphin level might not increase until after 30-60 minutes after you have worked out so it’s best you put your workout duration in that range too.

Get outside

Going outside doesn’t always mean going to hang out with friends or something of that sort. Sometimes all you need is some good sunlight and a rush of fresh breeze.

You could relax at home by lying on your bed all day but it’s never the same as what’d you get from outside.

Just like from exercising, sunlight also releases serotonin to the brain. Who says you can juice up your brain (and mind) while having a swim or relaxing on the beach.