Boundaries are our invisible “property lines.” They help define who we are, establish what we’re willing to tolerate, and protect us from the unacceptable behavior of other people.

It’s up to you to communicate your boundaries to others. The goal isn’t necessarily to get others to change their behavior all the time.

It is to get others to change their unacceptable behavior when they are around you.

For instance, let’s say a friend is always late for appointments with you. The undesirable behavior is about what’s not okay for you — “It’s not okay for me when people don’t show up on time for appointments.”

Most people simply react to another’s unacceptable behavior by complaining, whining, or expressing their unhappiness. Reaction is simply that — an action triggered by an event. When we react, our feelings are in control of our behavior. Here are the three most common types of reactions:

allow the offensive behavior. In our example, you allow the person to be late and never mention that the behavior is unacceptable, quietly seething inside and feeling put upon.

warning the individual of consequences or attacking, blaming, and alienating them. In our example, you might berate them when they finally show up then stomp out of the room with a hostile remark.

aggressive but covertly hostile; cloaked in mannerisms that look passive, non-threatening, and socially acceptable like guilt, sarcasm, heavy sighs, fake smiles, even procrastination, sullenness, stubbornness, inefficiency and avoidance. Passive-aggressive behavior is designed to control and attack the other person in a subtle way that protects you from any overt responsibility. This behavior communicates unhappiness but fails to communicate what you want and need.

The best way to handle another person’s unacceptable behavior is by choosing our behavior.

This means we do not react, we respond.

Our emotions still exist, but our behavior is a choice (which it always is). Our response would be:

confidence with compassion. Your ultimate goal is to create, restore, or strengthen a relationship in a way that doesn’t create a “make wrong” for your listener. Your goal is not to be right. Your goal is to have the other person willingly change their behavior.

So, what would that look like? The four best assertive responses to someone who has violated your boundaries are to:

Request — directly ask for the behavior you want. We assume that others know what we want and, if we’ve not told them specifically, our assumptions are probably incorrect.

“I would like for you to arrive for our appointments on time.”

Inform — make others aware of unacceptable behavior. People may not be aware that they are offending you and this response makes them aware.

“When you are late for our appointments, I feel like you don’t respect me.”

Instruct — tell others what you need from them. People don’t automatically know what new behavior you’re asking for unless you tell them.

“I need you to respect me by arriving on time for our appointments” or

“I need you to be on time for our appointments.”

Leave — when the other person is too emotional to engage in a mature dialogue with you. If you have spoken your truth and the other person is not receptive at that time, this is the appropriate response.

“It’s not okay for me that you are late for our appointments. I’m open to discussing this with you at a later time if you are interested. However, I’m leaving now.” And then do so.

People will treat you the way you allow them to treat you.

Teaching others what you will accept is key to establishing good boundaries. Will you encounter resistance? Absolutely.

Be prepared for them to react — be gracious and hold your ground. You are worth it.

Dr. Ann Vertel is a leadership keynote speaker, business and success psychologist, and 20-year Naval Officer. She speaks on positive leadership development, leadership styles, and corporate culture. Learn more at

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  • Ann Vertel, Ph.D.

    Business Psychologist | Human Behavior Expert

    Dr. Ann Vertel is a business psychologist, human behavior expert, keynote speaker, corporate trainer, leadership consultant, 20-year Naval Officer, and the Founder of American Women in Business. She works with leaders and organizations who want to leverage the power of personal development to bring out the best in their people and create a culture of excellence. Her unusual combination of encouragement, experience, and expertise will help you think bigger, act bolder, and take charge of your success. Learn more at