I asked a colleague about how she has been faring since the lockdown started. She lamented on poor sales since the pandemic began. I wasn’t surprised by this.
The pandemic has forced everyone to stay indoors. All businesses have adopted the work-from-home strategy; those that can’t adapt to change have been forced to close down temporarily or permanently.
The major problem some people are facing right now – ‘lack of motivation’. The inability to go out there and meet up with prospective clients, shake hands and go to coffee shops, is affecting some professionals. Not everyone is comfortable with working from home. Some are still trying to adjust and coupled with low sales and salary being slashed has drained many workers psychologically.
How can you stay motivated during the lockdown?
I spoke with my friend in Dubai, Zeeshan Sajid, on Thursday, July 23. Since he is an expert in the game, I asked him – “how can people stay motivated during the lockdown?” He shared four simple and effective strategies with me on the phone. Here’s what I deduced from our two hours phone conversation:
Having A Fix Timetable
First of all, having a fixed timetable is extremely important for everyone and not only workers. People have started working more during the lockdown, and this is combined with slow results, which is having a strain on their health. Everyone should get a fixed timetable.
Don’t Take Disappointment At Heart
The close rates of deals, for most cases, have come down drastically by 70 percent, at least. The key will be – do not take disappointment at heart. Even clients are confused because of the new way of work. So, closing deals might take some time to come to the regular rates. Hence, accepting the slow down in work is vital.
Create A Healthy Work Routine
Instead of focusing more on closing deals, focus more on creating a healthy work routine. It will bring more fruitful results in the long run. But managers of the companies have to realize that it will be useful even after the pandemic. This will take off the pressure from every worker and improve productivity.
Utilize Social Media Platforms
Lastly, take advantage of social media platforms. Stay in touch with your friends and family. That kills the loneliness or boredom and brings positive energy.
Take a break. Take a walk with your dog in the evening. Celebrate the little accomplishments daily.
Don’t die in isolation; contact your colleagues as well. You’ll see that you are not the only going through this hard time.
The pandemic will end. We will all shake hands and hug each other than ever. It’s better to devise the four ways discussed above. These tips will keep everyone positive and refreshed always.
Don’t forget to breathe, as well. You are not doing badly, as you think. Taking a break is very important to your mental health and business as well.