Writing for mental health

Mental health is a crucial topic to discuss in today’s world. It is also noted by the same organization that 56 million Indians suffer from depression. 

 Adapting to a habit of writing down every day may become fruitful for your mental health. It is almost a kind of self-therapy that will let you evaluate, rethink, and will make you opt for better coping mechanisms. It will act as a window for your feelings. 

Here are 5 eminent benefits of writing daily which will have a positive impact on your mental health:

1. Cut Down The Stress Level

When you are overburdened with stress, your mind tends to get heated up. To avoid burnout, you should start journaling. It is the most effective way to vent out your thoughts. Give at least 10-15 minutes to writing and after a week, you will notice the change. You’d be able to analyze your progress and everyday pattern too. It should be noted that you’d feel better with each passing day. 

Your stress level will cut to a quarter as you start putting it onto paper. Also, as you write down your thoughts, you are acknowledging them. This will in turn help you to cope up with them sensibly and healthily. The paper in front of you will act as a channel to let go of the overwhelming emotions and thought process. 

2. Boost Your Immune System

. To lead a healthy lifestyle, you need a strong immune system. Your immune system and mental health are highly correlated. Both of them are interlinked and as one of them imbalances, the other collapses too. Letting go of negative emotions from your system boosts heart rate and liver functioning.

 As you journal, you are in a way letting the negative and harmful elements out of your body. The heart may pump better and the blood will flow in the correct veins and arteries. Also, writing down will improve your immune system and will make you stronger to fight against the antibodies.

Also, as researched by the World Health Organisation, patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and asthma displayed signs of improvement after they started writing. All in all, when your mental state is not pleasant your body may suffer too. So, to keep yourself healthy, start jotting down the life upsetting situations on paper.

3. Learning lesson

Acknowledging your emotions and moods is an important factor for leading a peaceful life. Always notice that when you are in a bad state of mind, you tend to ignore the emotions and try to distract your thoughts. This is a wrong coping strategy. Shunning your negativity away means you’re only attracting more of it. 

If you start facing your emotions, you may notice a pattern. You will be able to understand the flow of thoughts. And also the triggering elements that make you feel a certain way.

 This will help you to find better solutions. You will attain self-reflection, which is all you need sometimes. It is said that experiences are learnings and that stands true. As you are writing it out, you are experiencing it and will be able to evaluate it better. the next time you face the same circumstances you will know what to do. 

4. Sleeping difficulty? Start writing

When a person is depressed, sleeping seems like a distant concept. There are a lot of people around who find it difficult to sleep. You toss and turn and beat your pillow, but the eyes don’t shut, right? We have a solution for you. Start journaling before you sleep. Write down everything that you have done all day long. Start from your mundane daily chores, shift to some surprising incidents, and later to the affirmations you made for the particular day. Segregate the positive and negative aspects. 

 And now, focus on the positive ones. This will channelize your mind towards the brighter aspect. The worrying thoughts will take a back seat and you will be able to sleep with a calm mind. The only reason that people are not able to sleep till the sun rises is that their minds are full of tense contemplations. You need to eliminate them and make your head feel lighter.


There are times when some traumatic incident may hit you up in the middle of the day. These are the unconscious feelings that have been residing in your conscience for quite a few times now. This is where journaling comes into play. As you start penning your thoughts out, you may discover that there are a lot of things that have been accumulated in your mind. It is important to let them out. They hamper your mental well-being to another level. 

To maintain your sanity you need to push it out and release the tension. In the process, also note that you will feel light as you let it out. If you let those feelings take up your mind space, it will lead to chaos. As you will declutter, your mind will catch new things and thrive. It will attract positivity and also will understand the cause of negative emotions too. 

Final words

 Journaling it out is the self-talk that you should practice every day. It will benefit you in the longer and shorter run too. This will make the healing process easier. Self-reflection and evaluation go a long way. Writing down every day is the practice everyone should adopt to lead a healthy life both mentally and physically.  

Acceptance of your thoughts and emotions is the key to maintain a balanced state of mind. Running away from your own emotions will lead you nowhere. 

Have a mindset of Whatever will be, will be. But do not sacrifice your mental health at any point in life. 

So, what’s the wait for? Take a pen and start writing!