It’s an accepted fact that everyone goes through life and then has to die, one day. However, it’s the stage prior to death- ‘the evening of our life’, that most worries us. All of us wish for one thing clearly- that, at no point of time, do we want to fall prey to the diseases that old age usually attracts. We don’t want to become a hapless victim. We don’t want to depend on others to do the daily mundane aspects of our everyday lives, also. Mudras can help alleviate many of the common ailments and illnesses seniors face. Many geriatrics conditions could be reduced and even eliminated if more seniors followed mudras sincerely and practiced them religiously, everyday. They can improve circulation, heart health, reduce blood pressure, and give them more energy! Excellent health is in our hands (literally speaking)!
The truth is, so many people of all ages suffer from a number of chronic and serious conditions. To have perfect or near-perfect health at any age is definitely a gift from God. For what use is wealth, if you are in no shape to spend the wealth on things that make us happy? Or worse, to spend it on endless hospital bills and doctors visits? This cannot be more true for a person who is a senior citizen. Ultimately, the greatest wealth IS health!
Let’s look at the different and potent mudras for seniors that will shower us with eternal youth and perfect health
Maintaining good health, without any incidents of sickness, can become your reality if the following mudras are followed and practiced by one and all ( to use the oft-used cliched term in the singular as well as the plural). In ancient Hindu tradition, these secret symbols were believed to be devised by the great messengers of the Gods and the Gurus. The fact that this secret is being openly propounded is because it is high time we took up the situation of our health more seriously and accorded it the respect it deserves. Let’s look at the different and potent mudras that will shower the one who practices them with the gift of eternal youth and perfect health (No, I ain’t joking!)
If you are a senior, or simply looking to reduce aging and look and feel more youthful, devote at least 10 minutes to each mudra. After it becomes a habit, try to extend the timespan for each of the mudras. Millions around the world continue to practice them daily for their benefits, as they’ve done for centuries. Physically, these mudras help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, stomach illness, poor circulation, and high blood pressure. They require seated yoga poses which also helps to strengthen and align the spine and body. This releases pain, tension, and swelling in many areas of the body. Mentally, they promote calm and serenity and melt away stress, anxiety, and depression. Spiritually, they increase our subtle energies, eliminate blockages, and help prana (our life force) flow freely and naturally in and around the body.
Here are the 5 Best Mudras for Seniors:
- Garuda Mudra
- Prana Mudra
- Aditi Mudra
- Ganesha Mudra
- Surabhi Mudra
1. Garuda Mudra
We start with the Garuda mudra. This mudra means the Eagle mudra. The Eagle occupies a very exalted position in spiritual and religious content of the country, more importantly, the Hindu mythological texts, where the eagle or the Garuda, is the vehicle of Lord Vishnu, the Lord of the entire universe. The eagle therefore symbolizes speed and power and intelligence. It is synonymous with wind. The wind is another name for the element- Vata, in our body. As we age, the element of air undergoes imbalance in our body and the body starts to deteriorate. The resultant effect is a host of health issues such as stomach problems, blood circulation issues, cardio-vascular diseases and more. By practicing the Garuda mudra, you reduce the risk of getting these afflictions and promote balance in our body and better stomach and digestive health, improved circulation, and overall heart health and well-being.
How Do You Do the Garuda Mudra?
Sit in vajrasana (the thunderbolt position)or padmasana (the lotus position) or the sukhasana also called the swastikasana (normal seated position)..
The Garuda Mudra, as you can see in the picture , is a beautiful image of the thumbs of both hands interlocked, and the rest of the fingers stretched open, like the wings of a bird. The wings of a bird can only be in motion when there is the air element. Likewise, the Mudra controls and monitors everything related to the air element in the body, by doing it regularly.
Be aware of the breathing process, always…
Practice this mudra anywhere and at any time. Closing the eyes, inhaling and exhaling to the lung’s full capacity is the ideal background to this mudra. Be aware of the breathing process. Place the right hand wrist on top of the left hand wrist; link the thumbs together. The palms should face upwards, towards the sky or the ceiling. If you practice this mudra while you stand in tadasana or stand with one leg wound around the other leg, then it’s like Garudasana. This mudra increases the blood flow and circulation; balances the wind elements; makes us energized immediately; arrests all stomach related problems; makes us calm and composed; and reduces stress levels. A word of caution, though- do not hold on to the mudra with a great deal of pressure in the thumbs. Wind the thumbs together loosely.
2. Prana Mudra
The Prana mudra is a very simple mudra, but one of the most important mudras among all the mudras. It translates to the life mudra- so, it is that important. Since this mudra is a combination of all the five elements – the water, air, fire, space and earth, when we do this mudra, we start experiencing a disease-free life. This mudra’s unique feature is to activate the most inert parts of our body.
There is a small secret involved (seriously!!) Our fingertips have prana; each finger is symbolic of a different element too. The moment we bring the tips of our fingers together, we instantly generate a force similar to an electric current. By practicing the Prana mudra, this energy-flowing current through our body removes all energy blockages. The continued practice of this mudra helps to energize the root chakra. Additionally, This is the only mudra, where a circuit is formed by connecting the heart and the soul- hence the name, Prana, which means life. In a nutshell, it gives life, connection, and energy immediately, and continues to do so every time it is practiced.
3. Aditi Mudra
The Aditi mudra is also called the Tattva Mudra. It is a combination of the earth and the fire elements.
The Aditi mudra is also called the Tattva Mudra. It is a combination of the earth and the fire elements. There’s more to this mudra in a way, spiritually , beyond our physical reality. The practice of the Tattva Mudra or the Aditi Mudra makes us mentally grounded, strong, and even stable. We will not allow the small insecurities of everyday mundane life that affects everyone at some stage or the other, however famous and wealthy they are. Insecurity is like a toxin. If we give in to the demons of our mind, then there is no way of becoming normal for a long time.
We start to go by the whims of our mind, allowing insecurities to dictate our lives. It also addresses the problems of laziness, sloth, and tamas. It makes us brisk, and always wanting to do more work. Even for practicing, this mudra is fairly simple. Take the palms of both your hands, place them on the respective thighs. Then, let the palms face upwards, towards the ceiling. Now, take the thumb, and place it at the base of the ring finger. Do the same mudra in both hands.
The Aditi mudra helps give us energy which is extremely improves our eyesight; reduces the tiredness from our body and the mind, even helps in building immunity power, and makes us always alert.
4. Ganesha Mudra
The Anahata chakra or the heart chakra gets expanded with love, courage and compassion.
Practicing the Ganesha Mudra (The Elephant God Mudra) is something special and brings a whole lot of benefits to us; there are psychological as well as physical benefits. The Anahata chakra or the heart chakra gets expanded with love, courage and compassion. This is done, as usual, like all other mudras, in the seated position, in the vajrasana or the sukhasana. The mudra is begun, by the inhalation first- inhaling the oxygen around us, as much as possible, to the maximum capacity of the lungs, and then exhaling the maximum amount that we can. This enables the lung to expand well.
The fingers of the left hand and the right hand are clasped in the opposite direction and pulled as if apart.
This mudra has shown a great improvement for people who have acute spondylitis
Because the mudra entails us to hold on to the fingers of both palms firmly, and pulling in the opposite direction, it is but natural that the other body parts will regain strength- the neck, the upper body and the chest. This mudra has shown a great improvement for people who have acute spondylitis. This is because the muscles of the chest, abdomen and the neck stretch well. This means well-toned muscles, glowing skin and taut upper torso.
The chest and the shoulders now share the dual responsibility of holding and balancing the weight of the arms, at the chest level…
In this mudra, the hands are not placed on the respective thighs. They are kept at the chest level, and the person doing it starts to feel the pressure at the chest level, because there is no way to place the hands for support. The chest and the shoulders now share the dual responsibility of holding and balancing the weight of the arms, at the chest level. Now, when the person starts to pull and tug at both of his arms, then, the pressure extends to the neck and the chest.
This in turn translates to extreme self- confidence and self-esteem. This means a person who exudes positivity and good vibrations. The practice of this mudra brings the heart and the mind and the body in one beautiful union. This is one of the most effective mudras for seniors, and the positivity, warmth, self-confidence and balance will help slow down the aging process and many related ailments.
5. Surabhi Mudra
There is no doubt that over the years- even over thousands of years, these mudras have shown their power, in a seemingly silent way. We may not know their power by just seeing someone do them, or even while we do them; the effect and the power they wield is so immense, that the transition from the existing situation to that of one towards betterment, happens in a very seamless manner, and very naturally.
The ailment symptoms disappear, the physical and the mental body gets better and better; not to forget the oblique way in which the psychological areas also improve. There is a positivity that envelops the person who practices any mudra, consistently, continuously and constantly. The 3 Cs. This cannot be more true than for this mudra.
The Surabhi mudra is a magic mudra, well , that is what you as a reader would like to call it, after you read about its amazing effects, and then begin to experience it as well.
This mudra appears a wee bit more complex than the others- the reason being that one needs to position the tips of the fingers in that particular manner, which is not that common at all. The important side effect is that it is supposed to have the power of wish manifestation. Don’t believe it? Well… you must try it to check on its powers!!
How To Do The Surabhi Mudra -Experience the “Magic” for Yourself!
How does one do this mudra?In this mudra, the tip of the little finger of the left hand, touches the tip of the ring finger of the right hand; likewise for the ring finger of the left hand’s ring finger, which touches the tip of the little finger of the right hand. Then, the index finger of the right hand touches the tip of the middle finger of the left hand, and vice-versa.
This takes some focus to get into the system, but the effects and the consequences are amazing. This mudra can be done during the Turiya meditation- where the mind is still; the fingers are engaged in this mudra and the heart has a desire to fructify, which manifests more often than not. ( People’s reports do corroborate the manifestation aspect….!).With constant practice, this mudra helps to strengthen the manipura chakra (solar plexus). The regular practice of this mudra makes the chakra strong enough to withstand the rising force as well as helps it to move upward to a higher center. The thumbs are spread out, and they are pointed towards the heart; the person sends a lot of positive wishes and these are generated into feelings.
Over time, these mudras are extremely potent for seniors when practiced consistently and properly
We have to understand here, that these mudras are extremely potent when done by all; however, when the above mentioned special mudras are done by seniors, the results are instantly visible. The positive effects will only grow over time. The reason is that they are already showing signs of ageing and there are visible symptoms of them. As always, the best way to see the results is to push yourself a little more, to attempt to be regular. If every person beyond the age of fifty took up his or her health seriously, and set aside a specific time for the practice of these mudras, the results would be astounding…!
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