Summer is indeed the best season of all when it comes to enjoying life in the lap of nature. It is weather suited best for outings, holidays, camping, traveling, and adventures, especially near the river, seas, beaches, parks, farms, and so on. But did you know that being exposed to too much sun and heat can cause more harm than we think? Most people are clouded by the prejudice that we are more prone to get infected or are likely fall ill only during winters or in the rainy season, but it is not quite true. Your chances of getting ill in summers are equally likely in comparison to other seasons. Many health issues come in summer; here are the five most common summer health issues:


There must be many times when you may have found yourself in a situation when you go for an outing with your family and friends, and you somehow forget to carry water bottles? Isn’t that common? While it may not have serious implications as such, it exposes you to dehydration. Lack of fluids in the body can cause you to feel dizzy, leave you with a dry mouth, and even cause serious medical conditions. The chances of dehydration increase multi-fold during summers due to warm air and high temperature that results in loss of water. Heat stroke is the most common cause of dehydration. Your body’s inner temperature goes to high level and causes the body to excrete more sweat in an attempt to cool itself down. At all times, you must carry enough water with you to help you protect from dehydration. Ensure to take enough water, other fluids, take breaks in your work and try to plan your work-day or schedule by checking the temperature forecast. It will help you manage your water intake in a better manner.


Sunburn is caused you when you spend too much time being exposed to direct sunlight especially during the summers. The logic is simple – during summers, the earth is closest to the sun making the sun rays hotter and harmful enough to burn your skin. As per medical research, people with pale and freckled skin are more prone to sunburn problems than people with darker skin. However, everyone needs to protect themselves from sunburn by applying skin creams and lotions, preferably with SPF and keeping out of direct sunlight. You may consider wearing a hat, sunglasses, and you must try to stay at home during the hot days. Check the weather forecast, which is easily available on websites, newspapers, etc. Most of the times, the sunburn condition improves on its own as days pass. However, you must seek medical help if you experience fever, headaches, and pain. If you aren’t cautious enough, know this – sunburn can increase the risk of severe skin damage including the development of cancer. According to the research, around 30% to 40% of people suffer from sunburn at least once in a year because they don’t take preventive measures or are casual about it.

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is very common; in fact it is one of the most common types of cancer in humans. Every year – more than a million people are diagnosed with skin cancer. If diagnosed at an early stage, it can be treated easily; however, it can life-threatening if it is diagnosed at a later stage. You must regularly observe your skin to look out for any changes or anomalies in your skin. Most of the changes are not a symptom of cancer, but they can hint towards a possible development of skin cancer over time. The main reason for developing skin cancer is being exposed to the sun for too long or having suffered from sunburns. You can prevent skin cancer by not spending much of your time in the sun, taking precautions, applying sun cream to protect your skin, and wearing full sleeved clothes when going out. If you have a history of skin cancer in your family, then you need to be more cautious.

Food Poisoning

Another common problem you may find in summers is food poisoning. Summers are best for going out for picnics, outings, parties, vacations, etc. and likewise, it commonly involves eating junk, unhealthy food, or pre-cooked meals off the shelf which may have been kept outside for a long time. The problem with eating outside is hygiene; pre-cooked meals, junk food, etc. can contain several bacteria, virus, etc. Avoiding these types of street food can solve many problems. Food poisoning is a common problem, but can be a life-threatening one too! The symptoms can develop within 1-2 days of eating these unhealthy foods. Symptoms may include:

•    Vomiting

•    Feeling lazy and weak

•    Fever

•    Aching muscles

•    Diarrhea

If someone has developed these symptoms, then they must consult a doctor immediately.


It may sound absurd, but it has been historically inferred that accidents are more likely to happen during summers than other seasons. The reason for this is not specific to a particular pattern but intrinsic to the fact that alcohol consumption goes up during the summers. People love to exchange a round of beers when they’re off to boating or on an outing, and while it may be okay for the time being, the problem arises when the alcohol affects their abilities to drive and observe safety. People end up crashing their boats into other boats, or ramming their vehicles while coming back from a picnic, and even getting drowned in pools or water bodies because they forgot to wear life jackets and couldn’t swim properly. You must understand the risks and hazards of getting drunk. Everybody wants to enjoy, but not on the cost of their life.

Summer is the season to spend time with your family, enjoy life, and appreciate the beauty of nature. But, keep in mind that personal safety, health, and security is paramount. You have to be very careful to protect yourself and your family from any hazards.