“Embody your soul” is my personal mantra that I live by. I don’t know anything more exciting and fulfilling than living a life in accordance with my soul. These three words in themselves contain everything that I believe from the bottom of my heart that is the purpose of our lives here on this beautiful planet.

At first, these three words look innocent, but if we understand their depth and beauty, they give us the power to transform our lives to better. I don’t know anything more beautiful and uplifting than devoting my life to an effort to embody my soul to the best of my ability.

And, you can do it, too!

Let’s get real: What does embody your soul mean?

Do you remember the moment when you were little, and you were dreaming about all the magnificent things you wanted to do?

You imagined to travel the world, have a cozy house, be original and creative, and have the most loving relationship in the world.

And when adults told you that you’re just a dreamer or naive, you thought, “I know this will happen. They don’t understand it because they’ve given up their dreams.” And you continued happily dreaming your life.

It’s exactly this excited and positive part of you that you need the most in life!

This undoubting part of you is the one that moves the mountains and creates beauty out of thin air. You need it more than anything else because this is what makes you feel alive. Just as we need food to nourish our bodies, we need faith, creativity, wild imagination, and love to feed our souls and hearts. Without it, we become dull, empty, and bitter.

And let’s get honest, it really isn’t fun!

To embody your soul means to connect with your true essence consciously.

With the essence that is unchangeable. The side of you that knows, you could change your life upside down and enjoy it. It’s when you ask yourself the magical words;

“What if?”

No matter how deep you’ve buried yourself under the heavy soil of “shoulds,” somewhere deep inside, you can feel the light that wants to dance and smile instead of living a life less-than-happy.

Happiness is nothing but a choice. And to choose it, you need to reconnect with your essence. You aren’t your problems, duties, or unhappy relationships. This is not you although often it can feel like it is.

Your true essence is the childlike you that wants to enjoy life but cannot if you keep choosing to abandon who you know you’re. You don’t need any guru to tell you who you’re; you know it very well yourself. The question is, will you allow yourself to feel it?

What is the soul?

I use the words soul and essence interchangeably. To me, the soul is who we are. We also have the “human-self” that is full of fears and illusions and wants to take control.

And we all fall into the human-self trap. We all believe in its games and the world of limitations. But we also have another choice. Step by step, we can choose to tune into our soul.

Your soul is your vibrational blueprint. The soul carries your highest potential and best qualities. It wants you to evolve and choose love over fear. One decision at a time.

Imagine a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. Becoming the butterfly is like embodying your soul. You’re stepping into your full potential, and as a result, you become genuinely happy and fulfilled.

We can always tune into our true essence more. There are no limits in this sense. The deeper we go, the better we feel. Just like when we were little and were dreaming about how great life we would have one day. It’s still possible.

When you embody your soul, you’re returning to your true self. The self that hasn’t been influenced by the standards and demands of the society. Yet you take all the wisdom you’ve earned and consciously choose to happiness and peace. Because at the end of the day, nothing else makes us feel good.

We can bring happiness and excitement back into our lives when we surrender to who we are. Don’t worry, even if it sounds too spiritual, you can do it!

I believe that spirituality should be practical and tangible to everyone. There is no mystery. Being spiritual means that you allow yourself to be more of your true self.

Here are 5 Ways to help you embody your soul:

  1. Recall your dreams. What did you dream about when you were little? It doesn’t mean that when we become adults that we need to have boring and empty lives. I don’t think that the life has intended it to be this way. Of course, you’re here to live your dreams. Why else would you have them? So, what do you want the most? What if you could have it?
  2. What does make you feel alive? When do you feel free and light-hearted? Maybe you feel great when you dance salsa or when you take yourself for a spa weekend. There are moments when your true self shines. Get connected with what it is and bring more of it to your daily life.
  3. Connect with your feelings. More often than not, we don’t admit to ourselves how we feel. We tell ourselves stories about that it’s okay to focus more on a career than to create a loving relationship. Because we’re scared that the relationship could end while the career lasts. But then we make us unhappy. We put our heart into a prison and wonder why we don’t feel freer. Examine the stories you tell yourself, is it really how you feel about your life situations? Or is it the fear running the show?
  4. Try something new and exciting. Have you ever thought of riding a motorbike or taking a Japanese cooking class? Whatever excites you, try it out. This helps you to get out of your mind. You don’t meet your soul in your head. It’s when you stop over-rationalizing everything and get lost in the moment that you feel the connection with your soul.
  5. Be creative. I love when people tell me that they aren’t creative because I know that we all are. The process of creativity invites the soul to come forward. Of course, if we’re creative to become the best painter in the world then it isn’t too much fun. Perfection and comparison kill the muse. I know that we all had some art classes at school that made us believe that we have to create things a certain way to get an excellent rating. But for the purpose of embodying your soul, forget it and just be yourself. Creatively express your essence, and you’ll see how liberated and joyful you feel.

To embody your soul it’s essential to create conscious habits that strengthen the connection. It’s available to all of us at any moment we choose it. We can choose to create a life on purpose.

Let’s Connect Deeper

You can download a FREE printable 4-week guidebook to help you Embody Your Soul in your daily life.

Originally published at sylviasalow.com


  • Sylvia Salow

    Life Coach, Public Speaker, Author. TEDx Talk:http://bit.ly/TEDxLifePurpose

    Sylvia Salow is a life coach, international public speaker, and author. Her mission is to help people step into their potential by guiding them to release their limiting beliefs that keep them from the life they desire. In her work, she guides people to rewire their mindset, clear up the energy blueprints of limiting patterns, and reconnect them with their inner guidance. You can also watch her TEDx Talk on "How to Feel and Find Your Life Purpose." Download a FREE guide to help you find your life purpose. Or join a weekly newsletter to receive new articles and inspiration, as well as, free past monthly challenges. Read more at her website: www.sylviasalow.com or get inspired by her two books.