For your company to be successful, productivity and profitability are the key determinants. But how are you able to achieve that? You need employees, and it doesn’t just end there.
It will help if your employees pursue the company’s goal like it is their own. All this happens when you motivate your employees.
When you motivate your employees, they become highly productive, and your company will be successful. Motivated employees stand out and are happy.
They out of their way to ensure they give the best to their work. They would put extra effort. They ensure all that they do is perfect. So how can you motivate your employees?
1. Acknowledge Your Employees’ Achievements
From when people are young, it means so much to them when their achievements are noticed and applauded. It does not change when they become adults.
When you recognize your employees’ job well done, it compels them to put in more time to what they do. Your employees will do extra work. They will even enjoy their work more.
Congratulate your employees in a meeting. Send them an email. Acknowledge them publicly or in private. Let your employees be aware that you’ve noticed the great things that they are doing for the company. Recognizing your employees’ work motivates them much.
However, when you don’t acknowledge their efforts, they will feel demoralized. Also, they may not want to put extra effort into their work again.
2. Reward Your Employees
Once you have recognized and appreciated your employee’s achievements, put more effort into rewarding them. Rewarding your employees will hugely motivate them. You can reward your employees by giving them a paid day off, give them monetary gifts.
You can also have annual bonuses and parties. Your employees will have the feeling that they are valued. Also, rewarded employees have a vast difference from those that are not. Rewarded employees are happy and own their work.

They, too, do much more than what you require of them. They exceed expectations. They will work diligently, knowing how much you value them.
3. Maintaining an Open Communication Motivates Your Employees
Effective communication is an essential aspect for a company to be successful. You should relay vital information to the managers of an organization, who pass it to the other employees. For employees to fully understand what you expect of them, communication has to be open, transparent, and timely.
However, communication in a company is not only about work. Speak frequently to your employees face to face. Motivate your employees by holding conversations about random issues. It means to them that you value them. And you should also say it to them that you do.
4. Creating a Friendly Working Environment Will Motivate Your Employees
Your employees’ productivity is significantly affected by a harsh working environment. Motivate your employees by making your company a pleasant place to work. Also, make a point of listening to your employees’ comments or complaints. Give them room to share ideas on how to better the working environment.
Besides, motivate your employees by providing a suggestion box to put their views anonymously. Ensure you check it often. Communicate to them that you will address their opinions.
Also, make your company beautiful, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Shop around for beautiful furniture. Ensure your company is always clean, well ventilated, and organized.
5. Offer Your Employees Opportunities for Advancement
Once you have hired your employees, take your time to know their personal goals and interests. Please get to know what it is that drives them. Understand their aspirations and what motivates them. Again, let your employees know what it is they will be working towards.
Let them know how long it takes for one to get promoted and the criteria that you use. Motivate your employees to gain skills by organizing training for them that are helpful to their career growth.

For young employees in your company, groom them to better opportunities, whether within or out of your company. Be mindful of your employee’s growth. Significantly, this builds your company’s reputation as a great place to work. However, if employees do not see avenues for change, they will start looking for other opportunities that will offer growth opportunities.
Your employees hugely determine your company’s success. So when you motivate your employees, they will show significant commitment and loyalty to your company. Consequently, it will be difficult for rival companies to woe them to move to their companies.
Finally, find what you will start doing to motivate your employees if you haven’t done it before. If your employees have been taking care of their meals, you can begin by providing a cup of tea or coffee. Do more for your employees with time. You’ll see how much it motivates them and see productivity go up. All the best!