Are you obsessed with what you do not have, instead of feeling grateful for what you do have, and for the people who love you? Would you like to improve the molecular structure of your brain and optimize the functioning of your mind, to be healthier and happier?

Stay with me because next, I am going to present you with 5 exercises to improve your gratitude, which will result in better social relationships, better physical health, psychological stability in an appliance repair job, better self-esteem, and greater mental strength

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can improve your life in many ways. To begin with, several studies have been carried out that show that the feeling of gratitude occupies us and completely envelops us, so it is very difficult to feel depressed or feel sorry for yourself when you are focused on feeling grateful.

According to the Center for Research on Consciousness and Attention at the University of California, Los Angeles, expressing gratitude literally changes the molecular structure of the brain, keeps gray matter working, and makes us healthier and happier. When you practice gratitude, you generate feelings of happiness and your central nervous system responds positively, leading you to be more relaxed and less stubborn.

Several other studies around the world have shown that the practice of gratitude has real health benefits, because it helps improve your mood and your personal sense of well-being.

Although it is not always easy to be grateful for the good things in your life, it is a rewarding practice that you should learn a lot about. You just need to start practicing gratitude every day.

1. Choose a positive attitude by valuing what you have.

To stay positive, start by avoiding wasting your energy comparing yourself to other people, wishing you were someone else, having someone else’s car, wardrobe, or appearance. Better close your eyes and explore what you do have. Focusing on the positive will help you put the comparison game aside and appreciate more deeply what you have.

Be deeply grateful for how much or how little you have; because this simple act will help you improve your mood immediately.

2. Make a list of reasons to be happy.

There are many things and people that we normally take for granted and do not realize their value. That is why it is necessary to pay more attention to all the reasons we must be happy.

Start by thinking about the small aspects of your life that go unnoticed. For example, it’s easy to overlook basic things like having air to breathe, the feeling of the sun on a warm spring day, having food and shelter, and the sweet melody of your favorite song, among thousands of other little details that make it possible. your life as it is.

3. Openly express your gratitude.

You may feel very grateful for your friends, your family, your health, and the different circumstances in your life, but it is not always easy to express it. The simplest thing to do is start by being friendly, open, and helpful. Write and read a thank you letter for someone who has done something meaningful for you. Try to communicate to people that you value how grateful you are to them.

4. Include an act of kindness in your life every day.

Enjoy doing favors for your friends. We all know that ungrateful people are selfish and that they only want to date other people if they can “get” something from them. So, turn that around and offer to do something simple for someone else, even if they did not ask.

Perhaps a co-worker has had a very busy day and you can share lunch with him; maybe your friend needs help choosing a dress for prom. Focus on the person and you will see that whatever the task, helping others will make you feel satisfied.

5. Appreciate yourself, value your efforts, and celebrate your results.

Avoid living as a victim at all costs. People who are ungrateful always blame the world for their problems and think that nothing bad about what happens is their fault. If you want to be a grateful person, then you must stop thinking that the world, your teachers, your boss, your friends, or your family, are all against you. Better take responsibility for your words and actions.
