essential things that every blogger should know

Your business might fall into one of these categories: it is thriving and successful, or it is struggling.  Either way, there is always room for improvement.  And that is what this article is geared towards.  The article will inform you of all the essential factors required to advance and to be successful in your business starting with the no-brainer that every serious business show have– a Blog.

1) Blog Great Contents

Blogs are essential for conveying information on, for example, one’s expertise towards aiding society in a given regards. In other words, it provides a means for those trying to start a business or create a presence online to share thoughts that would benefit society.

Think of it like this: it is like someone having a store but with no sign or attractions that would point people towards the store.

Now, before you start going “what is the writer talking about, I can just go ahead and advertise my product on search engines and other social media websites like youtube, twitter, and Facebook.”  Well, it is true that you can to an extent use these social media websites especially if you have the advertising capital. But what if you don’t, and the only means of attracting customers is via free traffic? Now, this is where the idea of using great contents (blogs) as a means to attract free customers come into play.

One, in this case, wants to create blogs that people would naturally feel the urge to share. In other words, create contents that go viral.

But creating great blog might not give one all the edge that one needs to stand out in this ever competitive market of online business. The make-up of the blog also matters.

2) Use Visual Contents in the Blog

Have you ever listened to this sentence?

“Pictures speaks louder than words”

Your contents should include visually compelling images and videos for your audience. See, words alone may not do it. One needs to have a really great photo or video, in the content, that’s going to help one get one’s point across. If one has a business website or planning to start a store on Amazon or eBay then visually represented content will be the major catchy/selling point of one’s product. Using some high definition photos of one’s product, on the business website, will surely enhance one’s sales.

So, it is very important, if one owns a content blog where one mostly shares one’s daily happenings, travel stories, home improvements tips, technical expertise, repairing tutorial, foods or some other stuff, to make relevant high definition photos to include in one’s content. In addition, adding an appropriate image will improve the chance of Google and other search engines finding your content, thus helping to pull in traffic that could convert.

Now that you have a great blog post, instead of waiting on search engines to index it, one could also help it get noticed on social media by reading the next step

3) Social Media Integration

Social media websites are really not just for socializing as they probably were intended to be. They have become a great source of traffic for businesses. Yes, you can grab a decent amount of traffic from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit etc. So, integrating social media into your blog is an essential part for business blogging. With many plugins abound, it is now relatively easy, especially if one is using the WordPress content management system, to configure a blog post and integrate social media share buttons. 

It would also be pertinent to mention, at this point, that aside from sharing your own article or post on social media, also learn to share posts from others and interact with folks that like and comment on your posts on social media.

4) Email Collection Popups

Everyone including myself checks their email almost 24 hours on a daily basis. Businesses, knowing this, have come to take advantage of it. Many businesses now set up popups with enticing offers, maybe a book or gift, that a guest would receive if they entered their email address.

This process enables a business to collect information to create a database that would enable these businesses to send out updates notification, maybe about a new product or service. This is a strategy to keep customers connected with the business website.

Integrating email popups or placing the option at the sidebar of one’s blog page is a most recommended idea to remind customers that your business does exist with interesting and updated products

5) Build Trust

Let’s face facts, even if one has done all of the above, no one is going to interact or do any business with you if they cannot trust you. So, it is imperative to build trust by sharing complete information about your business, locations, terms, and conditions, and contact information to build a strong and trusted brand. The information can be created on the about us, contact us, disclaimer, and privacy policy pages.

Many sources abound, on the web, on how to effectively write these pieces of information. But if you still can’t write it yourself, you can hire freelancers, on websites like fiver or Freelancer, to help write them for you. 

The contact us page, on your business blog, is very essential for potential customers to directly contact your business. Hopefully, these business essentials will help every business blog begin the 2019 year with a bang. We would like to hear from you about what strategy is working as your comments could also be beneficial to other readers.