Colouring Book

Colouring is a great way to destress and be mindful. It also allows you to take a break and often I find that while colouring, I think better and approach problems better. It allows you to take a moment and step away from the problem. Allowing you to come back to the situation often with a fresh perspective.

Everyday Kindness Book

The everyday kindness book is a great way to start the day and help keep you focused on being kind not only to others but to yourself as your day progresses. We recommend Everyday Kindness: 365 ways to a peaceful life

Meditation App/ Music

I personally love the headspace app and if you own a smartwatch it has a great app allowing you to meditate as little as 30 seconds. Meditation is a great way to destress but also be mindful of an environment.

A plant

A plant is great and it brings a bit of nature to your desk. Now dependent on your abilities and natural light available. You can opt for a real or a fake plant. You can also get a succulent in a nice brass pot. There is something about having a little piece of nature at your desk that gets the mind into a peaceful state of being.


A diffuser is a great way to boost well-being or to simply create a relaxing environment around your workspace. Dependent on what you prefer you can either keep an electronic diffuser or a reed diffuser. You can also keep a range of essential oils to keep you energised and happy all day long. All while you have a nice smelling desk or office.
I hope you enjoyed this list. Be sure to comment or leave a message, if you would like to see more
