The more crap I go through in this life the more I realize I cannot do it on my own. I would simply fail time after time at trying to get things done, accomplish goals, and see good done in the world by my own hands.
There’s a good chance you find yourself in the same shoes. You want to make a difference in this life you’ve been given, but sometimes you’re left wondering how in the world you’d like to go about doing it.
Here’s the reality we need to remember – The vehicle for thriving in this life and making a dent in this world happens through people.
If you want to succeed in life, you have to succeed in friendships.
If you want to be the best man possible, here are the 5 Killer Relationships Every Man Needs to Thrive in Life.
1. The Truth Teller
This is the guy who isn’t afraid to give you the hard stuff any time of the day. He tells the truth about the person you are and the man you’re becoming. They see blind spots you don’t see, call you on your crap and are deeply honest with you in all areas of your life.
This person has an opinion about your life and isn’t afraid to share it. They should always be given the opportunity to share it. You need it. At times they will be brash. But they will always come back around to challenge and encourage you in the most loving and caring ways.
Practically, this person should leave you speechless from time to time on the other end of the conversation. This friend will make you think about things you don’t think about and help you grow faster as a man than you could do on your own.
2. The Listener
Men are terrible listeners, so these are a bit harder to come by. But you need them and you can find them.
The listener exists for the sole purpose of, you guessed it, listening. Sure, they say a few insightful things from time to time, but they act as a sounding board for what you are feeling and help you to process life out loud.
You may feel like you are using The Listener. Verbally vomiting all over them. But a man secure in his listening role will be quick to remind you “This is what I’m here for.” They are famous for those 6 words and they live by them – not because they’re interested in being a doormat, but because they are interested in listening. It’s a gift and they use it wisely.
Someone who is a listener for you may not be for other people. They may find value in listening to you and not others.
3. The Sage
This person may or may not have grey hair. It’s ok because age is of great value here. This person is likely older than you. More than anything this person exists in your life to drop wisdom bombs when you need them the most. They are the person you go back to quote the most and may even have a few of their sayings on the mirror in your bathroom. Ok, maybe not. That’s just weird.
You go to this person when you are in crisis mode. This is the guy you contact first when you are thinking and praying about next steps to take in your life. They provide sound, biblical advice about what to do next. They’ll give you the truth, but they will also give you next steps in what to do next. For them, this comes natural – again, it’s a gift. They want to be this person for you – it brings value to your friendship and they wouldn’t have it any other way.
4. The Merciful
If you thought the listener was hard to come by, think again. The world is lacking in mercy and we are in need of it more than ever.
You need someone who can come alongside you at a moments notice and show mercy. Whether you are beating yourself up from a recent poor decision, or you are in mourning about something in your life, this person comes alongside you and is simply present. This is their entire goal. Sure, they may listen, they may even share a few words – but more than anything it is their presence that brings peace to your restless soul.
This person wears their heart on their sleeves, enters into hard situations like butter and is more than likely a hugger. Nope, it’s not weird – it’s how we were made.
5. The Risk Taker
This man is like the Truth Teller in that they look at your life and tell you when to jump off life’s cliffs you’ve been wavering over. Sometimes they even push you over. They are the risk-taker because they have lived and seen the value of what it means to take hard, thought out, calculated risks.
These men aren’t just interested in jumping out of airplanes. No, they see the life potential on the other side of the risk and they help you to get there. They point out potential pitfalls along the way, but they also remind you of the reward waiting on the other side if you’ll just take one large leap.
How do you get these guys?
If you’re anything like me, you may struggle to find each of these types of men in your life. But it doesn’t change your need for them. You need each of them, I promise you.
Some of the guys in your life will morph and take on different roles at different times. In my own life, most of the time these are all separate men. I have identified their gifts and I seek out a friendship. I don’t always have each of these roles filled, either. But I am always seeking them out.
If you want to thrive in life and make a dent in this world, it begins with relationships. It begins with these 5 types of men that will help form and shape you into the man you want to become.
Your Call To Action
- Grab my FREE Friend Inventory Sheet right now and begin identifying where your current friends are and the gaps you have. GET IT NOW!
- Share this article with a close friend and get their feedback on where you need help.
- Which type of friend are you? Engage in the conversation below.