I often hear moms say that they don’t have time to meditate. Or that they get too distracted. I get that! Meditating with your kids around you is not something that makes you feel relaxed. You have a better chance of feeling annoyed or irritated!

When you do have time for yourself, you might not want to spend it meditating. Or you’re afraid that you’ll fall asleep as soon as you close your eyes.

It’s possible for you!

But what if I told you that there are ways for you to meditate? That there are ways to find your calm and reconnect with yourself? And what if I told you it can be easy?

Meditation sometimes sounds complicated and boring. And as something not for moms… Even though as a mom, you might need it the most! But I know that meditation can be easy and fun!

Find calm in the chaos

A few years ago I was a single mom with two small children. I was sick and overworked. Meditation was one of the things that helped me to feel better. Because it helped me reconnect with myself. It helped me to find my calm in the chaos that my life was at that moment. 

It all started with a meditation cd that had one long meditation of 30 minutes. I had other cd’s too, but those were 1 hour! That was way too long for me and I was very happy when in the evening I could find the 30 minutes. In the years that followed I was lucky to learn that there are easier ways. And I found out that meditations don’t have to be long to help you relax.

I also found that there are other things than meditation that can help you find your calm in the chaos. That can help you relax and reconnect with yourself.

Here are my 5 best tips:

  1. Focus on your breathing – You can do this anywhere! Notice how your breath is going. Focusing on it will often help you breathe deeply and slowly. You can also place a hand on your belly, to help your breath get deeper and slower.
  2. Put on relaxing music – When you’re kids are playing, or asking your attention, put some relaxing music on. Hearing a relaxing song, or something instrumental, will help you relax. And it might even relax your kids too, although I can’t promise it ;-). My favorite relaxing music is River Flows in You by Yiruma.
  3. Do some coloring with your kids – Find a coloring page you like and take your kids’ pencils. When you’re coloring you’re focusing on what you’re doing and not on your thoughts. It can be as calming as meditation, but much easier to do when your kids are with you.
  4. Listen to a meditation with your kids – There are lots of kids meditations. Find one and listen with your kids. Maybe they like it, maybe they don’t, but you won’t know unless you try. If they don’t want to sit still to listen, just put it on so they can hear it. They might change their mind and come sit or lie with you.
  5. Enjoy your coffee or tea while it’s still warm – Take that moment for yourself to savor en enjoy your warm drink. Hold it in your hands when it’s still too hot to drink (but not too hot to hold). Smell it, think how it will taste, enjoy the knowing that you’re soon going to drink and taste it…

These may all seem like tiny acts, but they will have a big effect. As a mom you need use the imperfect moments in your day to add a little bit of calm here and there. These are all tiny acts of self-love and you’re so worth it!

In my free package AIR (An Invitation to Relax) you’ll find a kids meditation, a coloring page and lots more! Click here to receive it today!