Your mindset is the single most powerful asset you have working for you (or against you) at any given moment. Regardless of what you want to do with your life, your mindset is the key to unlock all the opportunities you will need to radically change your life for the better.
What most people don’t realize is that it’s not action that they are missing when it comes to achieving their deepest desires. It’s the incredible power that lies in their thoughts, beliefs, and mindset habits that have the ability to make or break their desires.
To shift your outer world, you must first begin with your inner world and when you commit to the five mindset habits listed below there is truly nothing you can’t achieve.
Aim high and expect the best. The most successful high-achievers in the world know that we don’t get what we want out of life, we get what we expect. Energy flows where your attention goes so use that to your advantage. Focus your incredibly powerful mind on the best possible outcome for your desires and expect it. You may not always hit your target in the way you thought you would, but you will most definitely hit it more times than not. This habit alone has the power to create miracles in the matter of days. Don’t believe me? Give it a try!
Affirm, inspire, and breathe life into your desires. Whether you realize it or not, your words have the power to reinforce your positive expectations or your deepest fears. It is up to you to breathe life into your dreams not tear them down (believe me there are plenty of other people in the world who will do that for you). Speak your desires into reality by affirming that they are happening now or are already done. This not only boosts your confidence, but it sends out a beacon of energy into the Universe that attracts all the components you need to make your desires a reality.
Re-frame your fears. Fear is a natural part of growth and expansion. Learn to expect it, embrace it, and notice that when it pops up it is most surely a sign you are onto something big. Viewing fear as a positive instead of a negative is powerful and when you realize the thing you fear most is the very thing that will transform your life, moving through it isn’t as hard as you once thought. Let your fear come along for the ride; just don’t let it be the driver on your road to success.
Treat your triggers as your teachers. Life has a funny way of creating massive teaching moments in the midst of triggering turmoil. For every time you are triggered by another person, a bump in the road, or a temporary setback, take a moment to get curious and ask yourself this question: What am I meant to learn from this? Triggers are our teachers and they provide an opportunity for us to identify the thoughts and beliefs we need to release in order to live more fully. Instead of reacting and allowing your emotions to get the better of you, take some time to get curious about your triggers and see what lessons are waiting for you. This habit, while challenging, is likely the most powerful one of all.
Commit to a daily mindset practice. Whether it’s reading and writing affirmations or praying and meditating on a daily basis, creating a sacred mindset practice is key in keeping your mind set for success. The inner work we do daily is really all about managing life’s ups and downs and choosing to respond rather than react to it. When you commit to the habit of keeping your inner world strong, you’ll find you will not only achieve your desires with more ease and speed, but your triggers, challenges, and struggles will be fewer and far between.
If you are committed to making this week, month, or year the year everything changes for the better for you then I highly recommend you dive into your inner world and cultivate the five mindset habits above starting now.
To read more about mindset and creating the life your soul craves, please visit
Originally published at