One of the things that really helped me on my own healing journey, was when I discovered the incredible power of introducing a few simple, healthy morning habits into my life.

Now, I have to confess that at first I had a bit of resistance…

But, this soon melted away, when I realized that having a few simple things to do each morning, made my life so much easier and enjoyable.

These healthy morning habits soon became a key part of my success for transforming my weight and energy levels, and have helped me maintain my health and weight loss naturally for almost 20 years!

I know that if I get these 5 things done each morning, that I have set myself up for another day of feeling great, no matter what else happens!

Here are 5 of my favorite morning habits…

Healthy Habit #1. Tongue Scraping

Your mouth is the first place where digestion takes place, and is filled with all sorts of bacteria.

Tongue scraping first thing in the morning is an Ayurvedic healing practice and assists the body in self-detoxification.

I always like to make this a sacred act of self-love and healing, helping and supporting my body to let go of toxins and anything else that it no longer needs.

A tongue scraper can be easily purchased online or bought from a health store.

Healthy Habit #2. Oil Pulling

Swishing oil around your mouth for a few minutes each day, at the start of your day, is another powerful Ayurvedic practice.

I use about a teaspoon of oil, and often ‘swish’ the oil in my mouth, whilst I am in the shower. This little tip can be a great time-saver! I prefer to use coconut or sesame oil. Once you have ‘swished’ the oil in your mouth for a few minutes, spit it out and throw it away (Throw the oil away, rather than putting it down your sink, as over time, it potentially could build up and block the drains).

A word of caution – do make sure that you don’t swallow any of it, as it has the toxins and bacteria in it that you are wanting to release from your mouth and body!

Healthy Habit #3. Drink Lemon Water

Drinking a glass of warm lemon water each day is pivotal to my health routine.

It’s so simple and easy, that anyone can do it on a daily basis.

You don’t need any fancy equipment or machines. Just fresh lemon and water. Plus, it tastes great!

Simply, take a big glass and fill it with warm water (never ice cold) and, then squeeze into it the fresh juice of ¼ of a lemon. And then, drink it!

Healthy Habit #4. Practice Gentle Yoga

Practicing a short gentle yoga class is so much more accessible than committing to a full-on sweaty 60 or 90 minute yoga practice. Especially in the morning!

And, doing yoga every morning doesn’t mean rolling out your mat and doing a full asana practice, either.

Instead, try doing just a few minutes of some gentle breathing, meditation or stretching each morning, before you leave the house. You can practice in a dedicated space at home, or even in bed before you get up.

Having a home yoga practice is one of the best ways that I know of to stay in balance and connected to all the different parts of myself (my body, mind and emotions).

We live in such a fast-paced and busy world, that it is important to have some kind of healing practice that allows you to reconnect back to yourself.

Healthy Habit #5. Drink Something ‘Green’

A green something either means a green juice or a green smoothie.

Whilst I love drinking green juice, I know that if I have a busy day scheduled, I’ll have a tendency to skip making my juice, because I won’t have time to clean the juicer!

On those days, I’ll either make my juice the night before and have it ready to go in the fridge or I’ll make a green smoothie instead.

To make your green juice: In a juicer, juice any greens (such as spinach, fresh herbs, kale, lettuce, beet leaves or rocket) with a base such as pears, apples, carrots, beetroot or pineapple.

To make your green smoothie: In a blender, blend together water, baby spinach and bananas, with any super foods or supplements you have on hand.

Some of my personal favorites are frozen berries, carob powder, chlorella, spirulina or wheatgrass powder, maca powder, goji berries, and/or aloe vera.

I hope that these healthy ideas inspire you to set up some healthy morning habits of your own!

And, now I’d love to hear from you…

Which healthy habits help you to feel your best? Please do leave me a comment below…