“Should I invest in that course/training?”, I remembered asking myself that question when I wanted to grow and scale my business.
As a computer scientist turned Entrepreneur, I needed the skills, training and system to help create a successful business. According to Brian Tracy, a New York Times Bestselling Author, we make mistakes 70% of the time. Thus, making a decision to invest or any other decisions to grow my business is a scary process. What if I make the wrong decisions?
Once a decision is made it will often change the course of the future. Tony Robbins, one of the most renowned motivation gurus said that making decisions is the key to your success.
In this article I have reached out to 13 successful Entrepreneurs around the world to find out their secrets and tips in making the best decisions. These are practical advice from real entrepreneurs with real results that anybody can relate too.
#1- Your goals and visions
“If it aligns with my true purpose, then it’s a YES!” ~ Elle Hari, #1 International Bestselling Author/Twin Flame and Ascension Alchemist, Writer, Teacher & Coach, USA.
Check to see if the decision is aligned with your goals, visions and purpose. Want you want to create is an action that will take you one step closer to achieving your goals.
“If the best and worst outcome have the same chance of happening, can I handle or fix the latter” ~Christian Perez, Entrepreneur, USA.
Analyse the best and worst outcome from making that decision. Then think about whether you can best handle both circumstances. If you feel that you can, then go for it! What have you got to loose right?
“It’s a Yes if it challenges me to change!” – Nor Suhir, Business Coach, Singapore.
When making a decision, see if it is something that will challenge you to grow and change for the better. If it is, then it is something worth considering.
“If it aligns with my true purpose, then it’s a YES!”
Elle Hari, #1 International Bestselling Author/Twin Flame and Ascension Alchemist, Writer, Teacher & Coach, USA
#2- Your heart and intuition
“When your mind is preventing you to try it, but your gut may be telling you the contrary, just give it a try. Don’t overthink it.”~ Michael Pinto, business consultant, France/ Germany
Listen to your heart and intuition. If you’ve got a strong feeling about it even if your mind is contradicting it, give it a go. Often the mind’s job is survival. It wants to keep you safe but at times can be at the cost of your growth and success.
“Decisions taken when one is too happy or too sad will not be rational and sound. A calm heart and mind yields the best decisions.”~ Najmunnisa, Women’s Voice Catalyst, Singapore
If possible don’t make any decisions during a highly stressful or high pressured situation. The best time to make any decision is when your heart is calm and is at ease. Your heart will guide you in making the best decision when it is in the state of clarity and peace.
“The main thing that I focus on when making a decision is does this act fit within my ethical and mission-based focus. Then, does it resonate in my heart. Another thing I always keep in the forefront of my mind is that you will never accomplish anything if you don’t try. In the martial arts there is a motto that if you get knocked down seven times get up eight. So, when making a decision it is important to know when to be willing to change to suit the endeavor and or when to decide to use it as a learning experience and move on.” ~ Mike Armstrong, Martial Arts Sensei, USA
Check to see if your decision will fit both your mission and heart. Although at times the heart and mind may disagree, the best that you can do is try otherwise you’ll never know what’s possible.
“When your mind is preventing you to try it, but your gut may be telling you the contrary, just give it a try. Don’t overthink it.”
Michael Pinto, business consultant, France/ Germany
#3- Is it a WIN-WIN for both parties?
“When the outcome will benefit both parties, it’s a win win, my answer is a Yes!” ~ Dr. Vivian Passion Koh, Singapore.
Check to see if the decision you make will benefit both parties? For example, when I make this decision, I will gain x and they will gain y. The last thing you want is for it to just be a one sided effect in which you gain all the profits (or vice versa) and leave the other party in a compromising condition.
“Let yourself fall into the decision. Think that you have already made it. And then check how you feel. If you visualise good enough there will be a corporeal reaction in your guts telling you whether it was a decision that was in tune with what you want to achieve or not”. – Julia Weisenberger, Coach, Germany
Don’t force the decision making process for you and others. Let yourself flow with the process. Then check in with your intuition and goals to see if they are aligned.
#4- Body sensation
“If it feels like a hell yes and excites me I’d go for it!” ~ Mia Humble, Entrepreneur, Swedon
There have been many times when I feel body sensations when I make decisions. Excitement, tingling, happiness, joy are often good indications when you’re making good decisions.
“Making decisions fast is a key in the fast moving era we live in. Don’t overthink it, it takes the brain a few seconds to kill any idea so act fast. Yes you might make a wrong decision but with experience your judgment will be better and you will be able to make decisions fast by trusting your gut.” ~ Nour Tazi, Entrepreneur, USA
Overthinking and overanalyzing at times can paralyse you from making any decisions. It can cause fear and uncertainty. The key to moving forward is to make decisions as soon as possible. Even if you make the incorrect decisions, your experience and skills will help you to correct it towards a better outcome.
“If it feels like a hell yes and excites me I go for it!”
Mia Humble, Entrepreneur, Swedon
#5- Logic and credibility
“Depending on the circumstances, I normally combine logic, reality, theory, and emotion in making most of my decisions. Those are my keys to a successful decision.” ~ N. Green Sr., Entrepreneur/Mentor & Coach, USA
Write down the details of the decisions- the logic, information, theory, emotions, cost and benefits. There is something about laying out all your cards for you to see things clearly.
“Whenever I need to make a decision, I write down the preferred choice. If I feel good writing it, I stay with that decision. If I don’t, then I re-evaluate until it does feel good writing it!” ~ Linda Buchanan, Coach, USA
It’s also important for you to re-evaluate your choices before making a final decision. By writing things down it’ll help you to gain clarity around it.
“If that person/organisation has strong credibility and a proven system to help me get my desired results, then it’s an easy YES!”, Dr Izdihar Jamil, TED Ed presenter, USA.
In making a decision to invest in a system, program or training, look to see if that person or organisation has a proven track record. This will give you the confidence of getting one step closer to your goals and are less likely to be conned by scammers.
“I normally combine logic, reality, theory, and emotion in making most of my decisions!”
N. Green Sr., Entrepreneur/Mentor & Coach, USA
I’d love to hear your feedback and thoughts in making decisions- just drop your comments below. Remember to like, comment and share this article so that you can help to inspire others too 🙂