In America alone, one in 3 people have high blood pressure (32% of adults), and only 54% of them have their problem under control. And this problem can raise its head very unexpectedly, so it is crucial to know at least some quick fixes — like acupressure points — to lower your blood pressure.
High blood pressure, along with severe discomfort, can also put you at risk of heart disease and strokes. So what are you supposed to do when you’re not feeling well and there’s nothing on hand to help? We is ready to show you some tricks.
LV 3

The point between your big toe and second toe is called Liver 3 (LV 3) and shouldn’t be neglected in hypertension treatments. Apply pressure to it for one minute to help your body with a range of problems from blood pressure to menstrual pains and anxiety. In general, your feet have a variety of pressure points, which, when massaged, can bring a great improvement to your health.
Ll 4

LI 4 (Large Intestine 4) is an easily reachable point on your hand. You can apply pressure with the thumb of your other hand for some time, or treat it with a pulsating movement. Stimulating this spot treats chronic pain and boosts immunity, along with relieving high blood pressure… Read More >>>
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