Happiness is the ultimate goal of everyone. But nobody wishes to pursue a lifestyle which will keep them happy.
Do you desire to own a Happy Living?
If yes, are you doing fair enough to let happiness transpire in your lives?
To know it better, let’s discuss five golden rules that will make you strive for the real happiness and ensure happy living
Rule 1: Don’t be overly emotional – Have Faith
Emotions can drive you crazy. Overly dependent on them could make you feel insecure and sometimes, weak. You will focus more on what you lack, instead of what you have already.
Having faith can bring a huge difference in your life.
If you have faith in yourself, you won’t let the emotions drive you away. The insecurities will fade away.
Your approach to life will be different and that small leap of faith will make you happy, irrespective of how capable you are.
Rule 2: Don’t ever give up – Keep Trying
A single failure can lead to turmoil. It can shatter all your dreams within few moments and make you forget about the hard work you pursued to achieve your goals.
But I request, do not let that thought perish your dreams and let the positive thoughts drive in to keep you going. Because one day, you might overcome your failure and attain success.
So, KEEP TRYING and never give up. If you fail again, stand up and give it another try.
Rule 3: Don’t make things complicated- Keep It Simple.
To make things complicated, is a natural human tendency, which can be prevailed only by keeping it simple. Simplicity in life will make you more productive at work and efficient at other tasks from your daily routine.
Furthermore, productivity will add to better results in life, which ultimately leads to happiness.
Rule 4: Don’t take things too seriously – Laugh at Problems
Problems, when taken seriously, will become a serious issue and further create more trouble in life. If you start taking it lightly, it could help a bit. So, laugh at your problems and don’t be tensed.
It’s not an easy task to simply ignore the problem, because you know the more you ignore, the more it will grow its roots and affect you somewhere in the future.
In order to be happy, you’ll have to deal with your problems and make yourself strong. As a wise man said,
“Happiness is not the absence of Problems but your ability to deal with them.”
Rule 5: Don’t be a grown up – Be Youthful as Kid.
As a grown up, you tend to forget what you have acquired during childhood. You might lose the innocence and the tenderness in your approach, which you possessed when you were a kid.
The feeling of joy and readiness to anything or everything, or simply crying for small issues, childhood had all of it to make you live your present.
Being youthful as a kid helps to solve many problems in itself. Because kids have a tendency to forgive people, laugh at mistakes, ignore what is not important and care for loved ones.
If there’s one advice that will make you happy at any stage of life –
Be content, compassionate, cheerful and as youthful as a kid, to ensure a healthy, happy living.
In the End…
Do not care about what they have and you don’t, because it won’t make you happy. But to love your own self and understanding the purpose of life, will drive in the real happiness, which will lead you to a cheerful life.
Originally published at www.sukeindia.com