Before I begin let me just say that I love men.
I have the most wonderful husband, son, three brothers, uncles, nephews, male cousins and male friends too. My father was a remarkable, giant of a man (both literally and figuratively speaking).
So what follows takes nothing away from those wonderful men, nor any others reading this.
But dammit, you know what?
I do so love and appreciate the special women in my life!
Goodness. What would I do without them?
Do you feel the same way?
For starters; I could write an entire book on the emotional legacy that my incredible Mother left – not to mention all the practical, intimate, eye-opening, enlightening, humorous, tender wisdom that she shared. Thank you, Mum – how I miss you!
With a big UK relocation happening as I type, I’m also indebted to some wonderful females in my midst who are supporting me in so many practical ways right now. I could eulogise about any one of them.
Today, however – and without a glimmer of proverbial feminine modesty (since I belong to this particular tribe) – I want to celebrate with you 5 absolute truthbombs.
Namely, that where good, loving women are concerned, the following hold true;
Do you agree?
Who else are you going to go to when your heart is broken? Or when the tooth fairy didn’t show up as expected (…oops!).
Who else knows how to make eggs just the way you like them? And who – despite a few grumbles – will still drive you across town even when they need to be somewhere else urgently?
Who else will listen to the enchanting (but oh! so lengthy!) story of an 8 year old for the tenth time?
Who has instant ‘intel’ on any and all missing objects in the lovely kingdom you call home?
Who will put (just about) everything on hold for the family?
A devoted, loving wife, mother or grandmother. That’s who.
Girls just get it. Good and bad.
Whether it’s a one off celebration, a Birthday, Anniversary, end of college or the start of a new adventure in life – you can count on the ladies in your life to share the joy you are feeling!
When everyday life starts to overwhelm someone special – a woman will often be the first to reach out and help.
When relationship or family issues weigh heavy – it’s almost always a trusted female relative or friend that we seek out for a shoulder to lean on.
Whether it’s advice on a new outfit, a new partner or a change of career – we love to bounce news and views off our closest galpals.
Most women juggle an insane amount of stuff on a daily basis!
As if it wasn’t enough to get through what’s on our own plates, we’re also overseeing and heading up many, many other operational departments of the fraught business called ‘Everyday Family Life’. I love this humorous (and yet oh so true) summary by Cath Tate for that very reason;
“Cheerleader, cash point, chauffeur, diplomat, pooper-scooper, waitress, short order cook, juice dispenser, sock matcher, climbing frame, referee, cuddly toy, enyclopaedia, damp shoulder, 24 hour medic, hotelier, dirty cup remover, purchasing manager, receptionist, bike mechanic, lost property attendant…just call me Mother!”
(…and if you have adult children, you’ll know that the work isn’t all done when they leave home either!)
There is no greater warrior than a mother protecting her child.
Speaking as a mother of three, I can confirm that I would do literally anything for my children. Anything!
I would give them my last morsel of food – walk barefoot to give them my shoes if necessary. I will love them and protect them – and cherish everything about them until my last breath.
…but my last square of chocolate? Hmm.
Of course I’m nothing special in this respect. Any loving mother feels exactly the same way!
Equally, many others in our midst will feel the strength of a woman’s devotion too. I believe that nothing much matches the intensity of a woman’s loyalty to her own partner and family. Do you relate to this?
Of course that is a sweeping statement. It cannot possibly be true of every woman on earth. However – there is something characteristically female about caring for others, as mentioned earlier. Men can be wonderful carers too (and often are) – but the devotion of many women to furthering humanitarian causes seen as ‘lost’ by others is both awe inspiring and humbling.
Just a few famous examples of ordinary women pushed to question and improve the world around them;
Mother Teresa – who devoted a lifetime to serving the poorest of the poor and neglected in society.
Rosa Parks – a well respected figurehead of the American civil rights movement, whose refusal to give up her seat on a bus proved that ordinary people can kickstart radical change when they stick fast to their beliefs.
Oprah Winfrey – from an abusive childhood, to life as a media mogul and philanthropist, Oprah champions the belief in self improvement. Her charitable foundations donate many millions of dollars to fight poverty and help provide a safe haven and education for young women in countries such as South Africa.
In the more immediate world around us – whether it’s a best friend being badly treated in a relationship, or the plight of migrants crossing borders with dependent family members in tow – women are often at the forefront of those seeking to help settle and resolve complex human issues on both a small and large scale.
The remarkable women in my own life work entirely without fuss. No fanfare about good deeds done. Whether in their home lives, with friends or in business, their efforts often go unnoticed by many except those on the direct receiving end of their kindness.
“I love this attribute most of all; the soft female heart that is so often called to action.” Sarah Virag
Why? Because women are Nature’s nurturers. Born with the instinct to care for and care about their vulnerable young – not abandon them. This instinct does not fade with the years – and it can most definitely expand to include the welfare of those beyond our families.
Finally; as you go about your business today, I ask you this; How would your day look without the resilience and support of the magnificent women around you? Gratitude is such an underestimated gift that we should all share more often!
That good woman that you rely on every day? She is truly worth her weight in gold, so please cherish her!
Why not tell a wonderful woman in your life how much you appreciate her before the sun goes down today? Who lights up your life?
Originally published at