Health is a broad perspective that includes physical, mental, and social well-being. Being healthy isn’t just about the absence of disease; it also refers to a person’s ability to bounce back from an illness or other challenges in life. Several factors are contributing to our mental and physical health. Some of these factors include the environment, genetics, relationships, employment, and education. All these have a significant impact on a person’s ability to lead a healthy life.
Start With The Basics
“A healthy mind resides in a healthy body” this ancient roman proverb can’t be closer to the truth. A mind of an ill or diseased person can’t work efficiently. There is a mutual relationship between these two entities. Exercise makes you fit and increases the blood circulation in the body, which means a more excellent supply of oxygen to the brain, which means more efficient working. A healthy body ensures the development of an active and agile mind.
To achieve self-actualization or the real potential, we have to accomplish four needs, given by Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist. These four needs were organized in a hierarchical order and are referred to as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The first level consists of physiological factors, which include food, water, oxygen, and shelter. The second level is of security; this includes financial as well as personal health security. The next level is Social; this refers to love and a sense of belonging in the community. The fourth and last level is Esteem; we need to respect others reach the top of this pyramid. It is rightly said that people who are physically active live longer and are less prone to illnesses, including strokes, inflammatory, heart attack, and other diseases.
Changes To Know
You can consider your body just like a computer system. In order to be at the top of your game, a powerful combination of both hardware and software are needed. Regular exercise is an effective and natural treatment for anxiety. During exercise, the body releases neural transmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline, all of which contribute to the happiness and well-being of an individual.
Endurance sports activities lower the prefrontal cortex activities; this is the part where emotional stimuli are transformed into feelings. Sports such as swimming, cycling, and jogging are proven to have a soothing and calming effect on individuals. Thus it can be stated that being healthy also makes you happy and content. The critical point of all this is that an unhealthy mind can cause many physical health-related issues. Thus, Activities like a workout, sports activities which promote physical health and in turn, the mental health of an individual.
Mental Stress and Health Depletion
Mental stress has a significant role to play in depleting the health of a person. Chronic stress is known to lower the salt content in our body. It accelerates the formation of fat. It escalates the chance of blood clotting, which in turn increases the probability of a heart attack and other heart-related diseases. Stress is also known to weaken the body’s immune system and thus to make it more vulnerable for attacks. It destroys the body’s resistance power and increases the risk of diabetes and high cholesterol levels. Evidence suggests that exercising regularly can provide relief from the symptoms of ADHD. It can sharpen concentration, improve memory, mood, and provide motivation.
Physical activities release dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine in the brain, which can improve attention. A healthy body is also at a lower risk of suffering from PTSD and trauma. Sports activities are a great treatment for someone going through such situations. Sharper memory, high self-esteem, better sleep, stronger resilience to deal with emotional and mental challenges are all advantages of a healthy body.