Contrary to what the naysayers think, sex does not stop but only gets better with age. When we talk about life after 50, people often become conscious of their self-image. What they seldom realize that it is not only important to feel sexually charged on the outside, but also on the inside.
A case in point is that of vaginal rejuvenation, which is opted for a large number of women in their prime, without knowing the dire consequences or side effects.
So, what is it that can help you spice up your sex life when you’re in your prime and beyond? Here are some tips that can offer instant help:
1. Know Thy Body
As the time passes, your body will show signs of change. Losing skin elasticity due to the reduction in skin oils and hormonal changes is one of the most common sign and so is weight gain or loss. This can be the reason why your lady bits also undergo a drastic change at the latter stage of your life. The vagina becomes drier and loses its elasticity, which can adversely affect your sex life.
In this case, what you can do is use a lubricant in case you have too dry a vagina. Because there are a wide-range of choices available over-the-counter, you can consult your physician to recommend one that suits you the best.
If it is not dryness but lack of elasticity that’s causing sexual dissatisfaction to you and your partner, you can always opt for safer, vaginal tightening stick that provides you near-instant results.vaginal tightening stick that provides you near-instant results.vaginal tightening stick that provides you near-instant results.
vaginal tightening stick that provides you near-instant results.
2. Give Myths the Pink Slip
As important as it is to learn how to improve “the act,” it is also essential that you keep away from certain myths that people tend to believe about sex. In no particular order, these are:
- Penetrative sex is the one true kind of sex
- Foreplay is only for the kids
- If you don’t have an orgasm there was something wrong
- Physical challenges limit your ability to have sex
- Seniors have a difficult time getting back their groove
- It is not okay to have a lower libido for sex
- Sex can be dangerous as you age
- The elderly should restrain from experimenting
It is these myths, which make us feel less confident. Hence, it is extremely important to get these myths out of your psyche so that you’ll feel better and enjoy your sex life as much as anyone else.
3. Make a Bucket List of Your Sexual Desires
It is quite possible that you’ve taken sex off the menu because your partner doesn’t know what you want or like. If that’s the case, you need to lose all the inhibitions and make it a point to communicate with them openly and tell them your innermost desires.
Start with creating a bucket list of all your fantasies. For instance, do you like erotic massages? What about reading or viewing stimulating stories and images in magazines? How about trying some erotic games that turn up the kink factor?reading or viewing stimulating stories and images in magazines? How about trying some erotic games that turn up the kink factor?reading or viewing stimulating stories and images in magazines? How about trying some erotic games that turn up the kink factor?
reading or viewing stimulating stories and images in magazines? How about trying some erotic games that turn up the kink factor?
A friend I know, created a ‘jar of sex’, wherein she put all her innermost fantasies written down on chits that were drawn at random by her partner. And she’s not any younger! This brought forth a new spark in her relationship and keeps her glowing throughout. If you know what I mean.
Alternatively, you and your partner can collectively decide all the sexual activities and quirks you both love and do it more often, in a different manner every time. That should work.
4. Get Yourself Tested for STD/STIs Regularly
The risk of STD and STIs are not just for the young and inexperienced. It can occur in people who are well into their 50s and above.
These infections or diseases tend to pass on to you or your partner irrespective of your gender and age when you’re not careful enough to see the signs and symptoms or get carried away in the heat of the moment.
Make it a point to always use a protection come what may and get yourself tested at regular intervals, especially when you’ve multiple partners.
When you know that there’s no risk of any infection, you’ll be able to have sex as often as you want without that albatross around your neck.
5. Self-Love is Also Important
When was the last time you went on a date, with yourself? What do you do to pamper yourself on occasions when you feel low? Do you really need a partner to feel confident about yourself?
These are some of the essential questions that you need to ponder upon. While it is true that age does bring with itself some changes and things will never be the same as when you were younger, it is also true that you can accept the changes and feel better about yourself.
Discover what you love the most about yourself, what makes you feel independent and charges you up emotionally as well as physically. It can be joining a dance class, learning a new life skill, dressing up and looking a dapper and so on and so forth.
A lot of women are now discovering the joys of traveling solo and exploring new avenues in their career. You can also follow suit or simply start a blog from your home and explore your passion by putting it into words.
The opportunities are a dime a dozen. Just do what it takes to feel confident about yourself as it will also reflect in your performance in bed.
To Conclude
We all have unique needs and desires and it is not necessary that they have to be fulfilled in only one way. You must try out different things or different forms of expressing yourself sexually and find out what is healthy, safe and happy for you. This will help you enjoy an active sex life and add to your well-being whether you’re 50, 60 or beyond. Don’t let anything stop you.