Did you know that every thought you have creates a frequency? Dr. David Hawkins, MD, PhD researched the vibrational states of being. Most humans live in a contracted frequency. It is during this phase of existence that life is hard as it is about just getting by or being controlled – not living your best life.
When you are in the contraction phase, your brain often is in fight or flight. This may be due to trauma as a child, being demeaned your whole life, watching too much tv, spending too much time on Social Media, or looking at how perfect everyone else’s life looks like. These examples will contract your energy field.
The majority of humans resonate at 200 or below on the chart. Animals resonate at 450. Jesus, Buddha or Ghandi at 700 and above.

Showing gratitude and kindness will increase your vibration, alter the world you live in, and increase in vibration what you attract into your life.
5 Things To Do
- Be kind to your brain! Stop watching the news, it is bad for your health and your brain. It has increased anxiety in more people than it has helped. Watching negative words and actions all day long has been scientifically proven to weaken your immune system.
- Go out and live life. Watch kids play and see that the world is not stopping or crumbling due to external circumstances like disease or rioting. These events are occurring in less than 1 percent of the population. Focus on the majority who still love their families and their neighbors.
- Help and support those who are afraid, connect to neighbors, keep traditions that are not only good for your heart but for your brain. Get outside close to nature and breathe in fresh air.
- Donate to a charity of your choosing, or volunteer your time to help others.
- Spend time with animals. Animals are proven to be emotional support for people with anxiety, because hugging or petting an animal releases oxytocin in the brain. This is the natural love drug.
What Not To Do
- Socially shame people for their beliefs.
- Judge those that do not see the world like you do.
- Isolate if healthy. The brain needs connection with others – it’s in our DNA.
- Run away from others or see them as a disease or enemies. This fear response weakens the immune system and this lowers your frequency to 100 or less.
Remember, the lower your vibration, the weaker your immune system. This translates into more illness, sickness and disease. The goal is to raise your vibration and only have those around you that resonate with your frequency.
What is in Your Control
- Managing your thoughts and emotions.
- Showing gratitude for what you have.
- Laughing.
- Loving others.
- Being a remarkable leader.
- Working hard.
- Kind words (words can change the direction of a person’s life)
- Knowing that you matter.
- Learning one new thing a day and share with someone.
The higher the frequency of the planet and humans, the more we can heal as a species. Let’s all work together and support each other.