A Lesson-Lucky Time
In this time of uncertainty, establishing solid and prepared routines is a critical life and death situation. I am approaching the end of my first week at home, embracing the #stayhome lifestyle.
Even though cabin fever was a struggle at first, it’s now turned into a welcomed change. I’ve added at least four hours back to my daily calendar. The time I would have spent commuting to my client site twice a day, running errands, in traffic, or figuring out what to wear allows me to pivot easily to other needs.
Who would have thought during the first week of Spring, there would be something worse than allergies keeping us inside from each other.
For me, it’s not about changing behaviors, but using these changing times to revisit and change my behaviors. It feels like a never-ending dose of self-care daily that feels both calming and productive.
Corona-virus cases are on the rise everyday. Staying home is the new dutiful directive for everyone to follow – period. In the #stayhome spirit, here’s my five lesson lucky reminders:
- Staying healthy means being virus-free. Every day is now a life or death situation. It means seriously counting from 1 to 20 seconds while washing your hands, exercising daily for that endorphin surge, eating healthy for six days and allowing myself one day to enjoy eating all the wrong foods.
- Laser focused. Being productive is my kryptonite feeling of positivity and making progress. Catching up on what I have not done in the past 3-6 months. People are anxious for any extra income. There are no busy signals or wait times. If you need a service done, now is the time.
- Keep Moving. Making sure I get up from my seat every 20-minutes is a must. After hours of being productive and in a zone, it’s so easy to sit down for hours at a time, resulting in stiff knees, swollen ankles, or back issues.
- Acts of Goodwill is my newer normal, at least, for the next couple of months. I might need a device rehab after this pandemic is over. I will say this, seeing the number of people who are dancing using TikTok app, serenading each other from across the street, or DJs playing music online, like we were in the club, is refreshing.
- Sleep. I am listening to my body and proactively napping again. Unlike my crash and burn past, sleep has now made my brain more energetic in how I work, talk, move, and think. The bonus is I have no circles under my eyes either. That’s how it should be, period.
Fast Forward
Let’s fast forward two months from now. Assuming this pandemic is over and restrictions lifted, it will be really hard to abandon these life lessons and go back to the original program of how we lived.
If I had to choose any of these lessons going forward, it would be sleep and continuing acts of goodwill. Both are feel-good gifts that keep on giving.
In the comments below, share your newly discovered energy and mindset that you want to keep on giving.