I remember years ago talking to a business coach I was working with at the time and sharing with her my dream of having a spiritual business. At the time, I was running a marketing agency serving clients of all sizes from multi-billion dollar brands to start-ups and everything in between. On the side, in the little spare time I had, I was focused on a passion project of hosting retreats and workshops that centered around helping people to connect with the deep reservoir of wisdom that resides within all of us. At the time, it seemed virtually impossible to merge the two, but the truth was this: I was already half way there.
As so often is the case, we can be closer than we think to a goal and feel like it’s light years away. All realities exist in the quantum field and what’s most important is where we focus our energy.
We’re living in a time of great uncertainty for all entrepreneurs but also tremendous opportunity. The true determinant of success will reside in where we decide to focus our attention.
Focus on stress, uncertainty and future potentialities of doom and gloom and it’s certain to wreck havoc on not only your business but your overall well being.
So how can we create greater harmony in our lives and businesses?
Regardless of whether or not you have a formal spiritual practice, there are simple steps we can take to come into greater alignment, minimize stress and harness our energy to create positive change for our businesses and in the world around us. Here are five simple spiritual practices that can help your business thrive during times of uncertainty.
Be Meticulous with Your Word.
Many routine decisions can lead away from magic. It’s easy to forget why we got started on the entrepreneurial journey to begin with and to get caught up in the minutia of managing teams, generating profits and serving clients while losing sight of the big picture. It is important to walk a path of devotion to our dreams, make business decisions that uphold our integrity and to not agree to anything that’s not in alignment with the compass of our soul. These tenants require us to be meticulous with decisions, crystal clear in communication, and exercise clear boundaries at all times.
The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC in one of the oldest texts called the Vedas. Each of the eight chakras reference an energy center within the human body, and the fifth chakra, called visuddha, is located at the throat. When in alignment, this energy center relates to your ability to speak your truth, clearly communicate ideas, and harmoniously shape the world you wish to create.
Don’t Give Your Power Away.
As a business owner, you have already proved that you are a powerful creator. You’ve likely envisioned your business and then brought it to life from concept to creation. At times when you’re feeling unsure of the road ahead remember how far you’ve come. Trust yourself to get the necessary information and then make informed decisions that are in the best interest of your business. Deepak Chopra said, “to acquire true self power, you have to feel beneath no one, be immune to criticism and be fearless.” As a leader, challenges and hurdles are inevitable, but have faith that you have the wherewithal to surmount any obstacle.
“To acquire true self power, you have to feel beneath no one, be immune to criticism and be fearless.” -Deepak Chopra
Tune in to Your Own Frequency.
Any great spiritual teacher will share the importance of managing one’s energy and for business owners this is especially poignant advice. Our businesses are a direct reflection of our energy which is why many leaders have learned the art of meditation, visualization and finding balance between work and play. It’s easy to ascribe to a standard schedule of 9-5, but take the time to tune-in and listen to what your body needs and when your brain function is optimal. Taking breaks before you feel burned out and avoiding multi-tasking is actually proven to help performance and can do wonders for elevating your frequency.
Shed What No Longer Serves.
In the ancient practice of Shamanism snakes can represent an aspect of the self that needs shedding or renewal. Shamans teach about the important lessons animals can teach us in our daily lives. As a business owner it can be easy to rely on what worked yesterday. But the adage that the only constant is change itself is entirely true and can serve as a helpful reminder. Just as we’re on a spiritual journey that involves continual growth and many changes; our businesses are constantly evolving as well. It can be a good practice to regularly look at your business with fresh eyes to determine what to let go of and where to begin anew.
Focus on Being of Highest Service.
We’re entering a time where transparency in business will begin to play an increasingly important role. While it’s wise to understand the theory and best practices around things like email sequences, sales funnels and high converting content pieces – over attention to formulaic strategies without integrating authentic, emotional connection is not likely to yield positive results for long. With this in mind, connecting to the “why’ that is at the heart of your business is key. Focusing on how you want to be of highest service in the world will allow you to harness your passion and help translate the spirit of your business to the world around you.
By combining spiritual practices with tried and true business principles we’re able to create a business blueprint that allows for greater energetic flow with the universe.