Self-care isn’t just about having an Epsom salt bath or a walk-in nature. It is so much deeper than that. Especially if you are an entrepreneur or business owner running a business or a team of people. Now has never been a better time to launch your dream business or start your side hustle. 

As lockdown gave us time to think, in some cases retrain and others an option to do things differently, it sparked an increase in online businesses – and if you are one who has started on that path I applaud you on taking those exciting and sometimes scary steps. 

One thing I want to share is, when we lose sight of our self-care in our flurry to build our businesses, we don’t need to be foot to the floor pushing all the time. 

I hadn’t appreciated how foot to the floor I had become, how in my masculine energy I had gotten. Now that isn’t really an issue, being in our masculine means we get shit done. 

What’s important to acknowledge is when we need more balance. We need both time to allow creative flow and time to take action. It’s a delicate dance. One that I hadn’t realised was out of kilter until I headed off on a legal psychedelics retreat, I had the pleasure of assisting on. 

It wasn’t until I had switched off completely for the week, to participate in the first tea ceremony, to truly go within, I was able to listen and allow the plant medicine messages to filter to me. I came away from that first tea ceremony with such clarity. Clarity that in itself was a spiritual practice, and it was exactly what I needed, to regain balance and practice my own self-care, and to share that insight with others. 

So, I want to share that insight with you, as I may be a business coach and positive psychologist, but I also teach yoga and meditation which has given me good grounding in creating my business. 

Essentially we fail to prioritise self care, it makes our root chakra come out of balance. This means that our basic needs are not being tended to, which feels unsafe and overwhelming. The root is whatever grounds you to stability in your life. This includes food, water, shelter, safety and as well as your emotional needs of interconnection, and being fearless, with this in mind here are some top tips to bring you back in conscious alignment to move forwards with intention. 

  1. Nourishment – making sure you eat a balanced and healthy diet. All too often we can skip meals, not drink enough water, because we are back to back on zoom. Make sure you schedule regular time for tea breaks and meals – when you take these breaks step away from the devices and savour every mouthful. Great foods to get help support your root chakra, include root vegetables, potatoes, hearty soups. Basically any food with minimum human intervention -organic raw fruits and vegetables and nuts ground you to the power of the earth.
  2. Get your house in order – take the time to ensure your workspace is decluttered. Clearing old energy, selling or giving away anything that is no longer in alignment can feel epic and creates space for the new. Ensure you clear your space every few months, decorate your office or bring plants in to help increase your oxygen levels, use crystals if that’s your thing. Working in clutter can sap your energy without you even realising – and take it further, clear out your inbox, get your filing done, remove people not in alignment from social media. Delegate – if you are in a position to get help to manage some of the tasks you are struggling with do it. This allows space to breath and creativity to bloom. 
  3. Money – there I said it. The thing many of us fear. Getting your financial house in order is a huge part of self-care. Paying invoices on time, ensuring your tax returns are taken care of, any household admin – all important and essential to you feeling safe and secure in your root. If you can’t face it, hire a bookkeeper or accountant to help you. Money is the root of all fear, if you have faced up to your fear and know exactly where you are then the only way is forwards. 
  4. Connection – This one satisfies emotional needs (not just for your root chakra, but a bonus for sacral and heart too!). Sometimes we just need a hug and starting your own business can be a lonely place, especially if you aren’t in a position to recruit a team around you. We have all been there. The way through this block is to seek out connection with like-minded business owners who are on a similar journey to you. In my group the Soulful Success Society, there are many business owners just starting their journeys to greatness, all who support and nurture each other, and this also lends itself to building awareness of your business. 
  5. Find your Joy – now this wouldn’t be a true self love piece if I didn’t say do something every day that makes you happy. It really isn’t a cliché. It is so important to take some time for you – whether that is a walk in the woods, going on retreat, sharing a hot cacao with friends, a gong session or massage, binge watching Netflix before school pick up or sharing some intimate time with your loved one. Carve out something for you daily.  

If you take these 5 steps, watch your energy ground. Fears and worries will fall away, you will feel more supported and held, and you will see how easy it is to how things move forwards once you have taken root. 

You cannot build on a shaky foundation so make sure you dig in so you can grow.  
