Productive at Work

In the wake of Covid-19, the despair experienced by workers is something that was not anticipated by anyone at all. The virus has left the economy in crisis globally as well as a majority of the people jobless. However, some have been lucky and have still been able to continue working. These people are faced with the challenge of how to be productive at work.

The majority of companies that have been able to continue operating complain about their employees’ productivity levels. The workers seem to be unable to function as well as they did before. Therefore, this has caused productivity levels to go down. Additionally, the companies have had to retrench some of the staff and still risk closure if nothing changes.

1.     Set Realistic Goals

In the course of your work, you should set smart goals that you can achieve. The goals should be bound by a deadline. You can break them into short term goals, medium-term, and long term goals.

The short-term goal can range from one to three months, the medium term from one year to five years, and long-term from one to ten years. Setting goals will act as a guideline on how much time you have to accomplish specific tasks. Moreover, your employer will not need to keep reminding you what is expected of you.

Additionally, the goals have to be specific in terms of what you want to achieve. Realistic, that means the work is doable. Goals should be time-bound as well as measurable in terms of numbers. Also, they should be achievable to act as a motivating factor towards attaining them.

2.     Recharge Yourself

You can only be able to give your best when you take care of yourself. Your mind has to be in a peaceful state of mind. If not, ensure that you see a psychiatrist and undergo therapy. Also, you can choose to confide in a friend about your mental well-being. A friend will be able to hold you accountable and ensure you get all the help you need.

 Moreover, ensure that you eat well-balanced food. This will ensure that your energy levels are at the recommended place and that you are productive at work. Additionally, the brain will be able to function well due to improved memory. 

Additionally, ensure that you exercise and keep fit. Screen for body mass index to be safe. By exercising, you are able to control your insulin levels as well as blood sugar. Moreover, heart diseases will not be something to worry about. As a worker, you will also be able to make sound decisions. Ensure you sleep the recommended eight hours every night.

3.     Time Management Will Make You Be Productive at Work

If you are going to be productive at work, you are expected to manage your time well. This will be achievable if you are knowledgeable about what is expected of you as a worker. We will cover different methods that can help you manage your time well.

a.     Pomodoro Technique

List all the tasks that you are supposed to do in a day. Set the timeframe you are working with. Set the timer for twenty-five minutes and start working. Once the timer goes off, take a break of three minutes. Do this repeatedly for the other task. Once you cover four chores, take a more extended break of thirty minutes before resuming.

b.     Eisenhower Technique 

 You will use your time well by listing tasks on the order of priority. Once you identify the chores, you group them into important and urgent. Important and not critical. Not important and urgent. Not important and not among the main items.

c.      80/20 Rule

As a worker, you should not spend a lot of time working on jobs that produce very minimal results. This means you spend time doing activities that will give guarantee your success. Also, they should provide the highest returns and profit.

4.     Always be Ready to Learn

Reading books relatable to your profession will enable you to gain more knowledge in your field. Also, you will acquire skills that will ensure you remain marketable in the industry. One can also find useful information on YouTube, podcasts as well as training in an institution.

On the other hand, role models will help you be productive at work by sharing their experiences, challenges, and what has made them stand out.

5.     Delegate Work 

You will be fatigued if you decide to do all the work by yourself. As a result, you will not be productive at work. Seek help from colleagues and concentrate on what you best at, then give it your all. Moreover, you will be able to save time and beat deadlines.


Being efficient is something most employees struggle with. To be productive in work, ensure that you take care of yourself, learn something new, manage time well, set goals, and be a team member.
