You’ve gotten through the first few moments, the drink orders, the self-conscious chit-chat about the weather. An awkward silence ensues. Whether you want to score a second date or can’t wait to beat a hasty exit, here are five things that you should avoid saying at all costs:

  1. Don’t worry, it’s not contagious.
  2. That’s my ex sitting over by the bar, but no worries he likes checking out all my dates.
  3. You remind me of my father/mother. (That first kiss? Forget about it.)
  4. My job sucks because there’s a guy in my department who is definitely out to get me. It started six months ago. Let me give you ALL the details. (Tip: No one wants to hear about the intricacies of your job issues, especially when they don’t know the players.
  5. I love you. (Because A. You can’t love someone you just met. B. It will scare the bejeezus and of them.)

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