Do you have a tough time falling asleep? Sometimes we do too. That’s why we’ve partnered with Bose—to not only help you fall asleep, but to help you sleep soundly through the night. 

Getting a good night’s sleep may seem like an impossible goal when you’re up and wide awake at 3 a.m., but you have much more control over the quality of your sleep than you probably realize. 

Here are 5 steps you can take today:

If you’re in bed struggling to sleep, try listening to soothing sounds. 

If a noisy environment is keeping you up at night, try easing yourself into sleep with soothing sounds. Bose sleepbuds block out unwanted noise, and you can set them to play soothing sounds that have been selected and tested to deliver the most effective noise-masking and relaxing experience. 

Create a bedroom environment that’s dark, quiet, and cool (between 65 and 69 degrees).

Even before you climb into bed, you can take steps to turn down the lights and make your bedroom calming, quiet and dark. And remember: blue light, the sort given off by our ubiquitous electronic devices, is especially good at suppressing melatonin—which makes it especially bad for our sleep, so don’t forget to escort your phone out of the bedroom before tucking in.

Wear dedicated sleepwear to bed – unless you sleep naked.

When you get dressed for sleep, whether it’s in pajamas or a special T-shirt, it sends a sleep-friendly message to your body. If you wore it to the gym, don’t wear it to bed.

Try an herbal remedy.

Lavender, for example. Studies have found that sleep quality improved in a room scented with lavender or when lavender oil was sprinkled on pajamas or pillows. In Germany, lavender tea has been approved by their equivalent of the FDA as a treatment for insomnia.

Take a hot bath or shower before you go to sleep.

Treat your transition to sleep as a sacrosanct ritual. A bath or shower can ease this transition and help you symbolically wash the day away.

This article was produced by Thrive Global and sponsored by Bose.