Here are 5 simple things you can do to shift your focus instantly.

1. Change your posture

Your posture can affect your mind and help shift your focus. So stand tall, head lifted, shoulders back and if you would like, hands beside you or on your hips. Imagine your favourite superhero rising to a challenge.

2. Change your facial expression

There are many muscles in our face can be contoured into expressions of sadness, joy, disgust, fear etc. Use these muscles to reflect joy and hope. A way to do this is to smile or laugh. It releases chemicals that trigger the happy centres in your brain which help focus on more empowering thoughts.

3. Change your breathing pattern

When you are worried, sad or fearful, your breathing is usually shallow. This means taking in less oxygen into your lungs than its capacity. Thus there is less oxygen available to your organs. This makes them have a build-up of waste, feel tired and not function optimally. So you need to take deep breaths to fill your lungs and make the oxygen available to all parts of your body and most importantly your brain. Remember you are also getting rid of the waste.

4. Change where you look

This is by looking up. It is in looking up that you see someone that can help. It is in looking up that you can see opportunities that would otherwise not have been found. ‘Seek and you shall find’ (Matthew 7:7)

5. Change your words

Start asking questions with ‘How’ rather than ‘Why’. Change from using limiting statements to more empowering statements. Your words have power. Use them the to find a way forward.

These are the few ways that you can, in an instant, change your focus from a pessimistic to an optimistic view in any situation you face. Give it try today and share it with someone