As I watched the US election taking its toll on the entire world, I started to think about healthier ways that we could shore ourselves up against the stress and anxiety that was running rampant in the collective. We spend so much time “just trying to get through it” and compensating for our sensitivities that we can forget that they are really a blessing.
What I mean by this is by making even the slightest shifts and changes, we can create great transformation in our lives.
Here are some things to watch out for in times of great stress:
- Fiercely guard your thoughts. Energy follows intention, and thoughts create matter, as well as a powerful force-field that gathers thoughts like it. You have done a lot of work to cultivate your energy, and you want all that momentum gathering behind what you want to see happen, as opposed to what you fear. Thoughts create exactly what you focus on, so don’t invite any surprises because you were not vigilant!
- Nourish yourself. Sensitive people forget how much impact the environment can have. Pay attention to each of your senses and create enjoyable experiences to cocoon yourself in, no matter where you are—comfy clothes, beautiful flowers, aromatherapy, etc.
Have foods that nourish your body and soul prepared so you don’t need to reach for that box of cookies and eat from an emotional reaction.
Pray, meditate, and move your body to get yourself centered as you feel called.
- Release attachment to outcomes. Sure, everyone thinks they know what is best, but we never really do. No one ever thought the Shift would look like 2020 has looked! Sometimes things get hard and scary before they can get better (as we’ve been seeing). That’s been the human experience up until now.
Attachment hinders the ease and grace with which you can move through things, and prevents you from seeing possibilities that might be opening up right in front of you.
All is always in Divine Order, and, regardless of outcome, you will be guided to next steps—individually and collectively.
When we open our hearts, everything always works out for the best. Even if we make mistakes.
- Find moments of gratitude. Even in the darkest moments, there is always something to be grateful for. Sometimes, all you need to do is become willing to look for the gratitude in a situation and miraculous energy shifts can take place. You connect with an energy that is love-based instead of the fear-based energy all around you (and maybe even within you.)
Gratitude is unparalleled in terms of the speed with which it raises your vibe. - Claim your energy. There are people whose job it is to figure out how to keep you clicking and get stuck in media loops. Energy drains are exactly what are needed to keep the old paradigm fueled because those who are holding a higher vision and vibration get drained and don’t have the energy to do so.
Get in, get the information you seek, and get out. Avoid the neverending scrolling and use that time and energy to create something that is supportive and nourishing of the world you want to live in (instead of the one you are afraid we’ll be stuck with).
Though these tips were created with empathetic world-changers in mind, they can really work for anyone. Bringing yourself back to center and keeping your head where your feet are will help you to get through anything that comes your way.
Don’t believe me? Try it!