When you have a chronic illness, it’s important to properly take care of yourself, whether it’s a good diet or regular, appropriate exercise. One thing that’s very important for those who are managing an illness is getting enough sleep, but this can be difficult for a number of reasons. Here are some ways you can get more sleep and feel better rested in the morning.
1. Relaxation medicine
Many people suffering from chronic illnesses have found that relation products can help ease their symptoms, and it can help you relax and therefore sleep better at night. You can buy online at The Violetta Company, which can be taken daily in pills or drops, just be sure to check it doesn’t interact with any current medication you are taking.
2. Create a phone-free zone in your bedroom
Bringing your cellphone to the bedroom? It’s a bad idea for many reasons. Reading your phone can keep your brain active, rather than getting you into a relaxed state of mind. The blue light from phones can contribute to poor sleep quality, so if you are waking up feeling like you’ve not had enough rest, then your phone may be to blame. Leave your phone downstairs when you go to bed and see what a difference it makes.
3. Create a bedtime routine
Humans are creatures of habit, and if you do the same things every night before you go to bed, your body learns that it’s time to shut down and therefore gets you into relaxation mode.
Some things that could work include:
- A long bath
- A warm drink (without caffeine)
- Night-time yoga
- Reading a book
- Watching a relaxing TV show
Start your routine about an hour before you go to bed to get yourself as relaxed as possible, so once you climb into bed, you don’t spend ages tossing and turning.
4. Exercise during the day
If your lifestyle is more on the sedentary side, consider getting more exercise. You can exercise with a chronic condition, as long as your doctor clears you and you take it easy at first. Exercise helps wear you out naturally, so come bedtime, you are physically tired, and you can fall asleep easily.
5. Invest in better bedding
Choose a lumpy mattress or flat pillows that will soon keep you awake at night. Consider treating yourself to some better bedding if you don’t sleep well. If you have trouble getting comfortable, then you may want to consider an adjustable bed so that you can get into a better sleeping position. Make sure your temperature is comfortable too, swapping heavy comforters for layered sheets to ensure you don’t get too hot.
Getting a good night’s sleep is important for your body, especially if you have a chronic condition, as this is when your body recovers and heals. Try to get yourself into a routine and create a sleep haven where you can relax and unwind, so you get longer better quality rest.