“People with Passion can change the world for the better.”
– Steve Jobs
I stumbled upon this quote on social media and it got me to dissect the idea that passion is not only relevant to success but is actually the most essential key to it. After all, many of us entrepreneurs founded businesses on an idea combined with a burning desire.
Consider this: What if you could concentrate all of your efforts, focus and awareness on what you feel passionate about? How long has it been since you didn’t intentionally take a step back and simply felt connected to your heart’s desires and passion?
There is one commonality between all successful entrepreneurs and it is that they are fueled by a high, intense energy — an absolute obsession with their product or mission in life. What I found out is that this intensity is the absolute connector between the doer and the outcome of desire, which is something that we can cultivate within ourselves, as well.
1. Start with intention
We first have to be very specific about our intention and be very clear about what we want. Most people go after too many goals all at once while they are still unsure about what they really want. As a result, they keep trying, burning out and eventually giving up and losing hope.
However, when we have a clear sense of intention, passion comes naturally. In turn, being passionate gives us the necessary energy not just to accomplish our goals but to thrive with a sense of pride and courage.
In his book, Power vs. Force, David H. Hawkins shares and teaches the many levels of consciousness and how we could use this scale to actualize and manifest our reality both in life and in business. Understanding this law of consciousness is a huge step towards our dreams and goals. It is this knowledge that leads to a wisdom of truth that can change the way we filter and process our thoughts.
What I’m suggesting here is simply to open our minds and lead with intention so we can ease our way to the changes that are inevitable towards lightning-fast technology and a global economy.
“To find your passion, broaden your experience as much as possible. Over time you will come to identify your true passion.”
— George J. Chanos, former Nevada Attorney-General and author of Seize Your Destiny
2. Move towards courage
With a clear intention comes courage, the bridge for creativity. Can you remember having the desire to do something new or being scared of the unknown but doing it anyway? Do you remember your first kiss? Indeed, it took some amount of courage to get there and hopefully, your instinct led you to a place of passion.
With courage, we, humans, find the passion to thrive and the drive to accomplish our goals. In turn, when we have a sense of accomplishment, we can face our fears with ease and feel the more positive energy in the process. This is a change that takes place within ourselves and a great motivator to achieve even more with a sense of pride.
I can’t think of a more exquisite example of passion and courage than those who risked their lives to ensure freedom and dignity to mankind. The Declaration of Independence was the brainchild of 56 men who taught us that passion could be the foundation for hope and who demonstrated that dreams could turn into action. It shows that we as individuals could surmount the difficulties of life if we develop those leadership principles.
3. Breaking free from fear
When we are deprived of passion, parts of ourselves appear to be controlled by others. No one wants to follow a leader crippled by his own fears and ego. Breaking the cycle of fear becomes a necessity, therefore, as it grounds us to our body, pleasures and passion — the elements crucial to a healthy environment and life.
Once we reach this level of consciousness, we are once again integrated and better able to face our challenges and make decisions with conviction and confidence.
4. Connect with the body
Passion is energy that fires up in our bodies, first and foremost. With an open mind, we can suggest that we allow this energy to converge in all areas of our lives. We can agree that all are connected to it. The power of passion gives us entrepreneurs the ability to connect with others, to bring warmth and joy and to create an environment that induces productivity and creativity at work.
Losing this connection could lead us to hopelessness and defeat. We feel it in our physical body, easily remembering how it feels when our world is turned upside down, when we experience fear and when our personal values are at stake. Where do we feel most powerless? Where does our power leak from? Our gut. It is from that place in our body that we lose vital energy, or Chi — as if the fire is slowly dying at home and we are disconnected from what makes us feel passionate.
To bring combustion back, we must return to the body as a conduit, and consider adding a yoga practice into our routine in order to build a strong core. This combination of breath and movement is highly recommended, particularly for those entrepreneurs who are seeking a mind and body connection. In this way, we ignite our natural enthusiasm for our daily activities and stimulate our passion.
5. Embracing evolution
In this day and age, we are collectively evolving towards global awareness. Instead of finding our power through separation, we can begin the journey of acceptance and love instead.
Through social media, many entrepreneurs have found a platform to share their journey with the world as a way to inspire and build conscious-based communities. From a place of passion, we are redefining cultures and fighting for our natural resources — all based on collaboration and trusting in our ability to support each other, not at the expense of each other.
Science has shown that through learning in communities alone, we feel inspired and less intimidated to pursue our dreams and create a positive reality. In order to be conscious of this inner force, we must remain ready, aware and flexible to adapt to change.
Our human evolution comes from within. The future will depend on each one of us reclaiming our power of authority for the highest good. Connecting our heart with our mind will reignite our human intelligence, ultimately unraveling the power of will and our fuel for passion.
Are you feeling stuck and alone in your entrepreneurial journey? Want to know about the secret, innate skill that today’s business leaders tap to reach untold heights of success? We have a brand-new podcast coming your way, so feel free to subscribe to our channel!