It’s been almost a year since the entire working world started shifting. I have been working full-time from home since 2018, and I know what a challenge it can be to show up with your A-game day after day. When I used to work in a corporate office, I used to think to myself…”If only I could work from home…life would be so much easier. I would be able to get SO. MUCH. DONE.”
Maybe you’ve had similar thoughts before you began working from home yourself. You could have possibility said the following statements to yourself:
…If I could work from home, I would get up early enough to get my morning workout in.
…If I didn’t have a morning commute, I could finally get started on my morning routine!
…If I was able to work from home, I could get so much housework done in between calls. My house would be spotless!
But let’s be real. The excitement is there the first couple of weeks. But working from home is quite the adjustment, and it takes effort to keep the momentum going.
Here are my top 5 tips when working from home:
- Get Dressed & Put On Your Make-Up
When you work from home, it is so easy to stay in your pj’s all day, throw up a bun and ignore doing your makeup. There is some sort of mental game that goes with that: if I wake up early, and put myself together for the day… I feel on top of my game, and I feel much more productive. I have noticed this simple task makes a huge difference for me. If I stay in sweats or pj’s all day, I feel a bit sluggish.
- Set Both Work & Off Hours
I had to learn this tip the hard way. When working from home, it is so easy to be working around the clock. This is true whether you work for an employer, or if you work for yourself. Be sure to designate your “on” hours and your “off” hours. If you don’t…this could lead to burnout (I know this from personal experience). Having space for hobbies, family time, and rest is so important to have a clear state of mind.
- Have a Designated Work Space
Having a specific place to do your work provides less distractions, and helps you stay focused throughout the day. In my experience I have found that it actually increases productivity because it ensures that you stay focused on the task at hand. It also makes it easier to “leave work behind” on your designated off time, because you are not constantly being reminded of your work projects.
- Do Your Toughest Project First
I tend to want to start with the easiest projects first on my list because the big projects intimidate me. But last year I really challenged myself to start with my toughest task as soon as I sat down to work. To my surprise, when I started these complicated projects in the beginning (with a fresh mind), they got done a lot quicker than I expected. Then the rest of my day will fly by so smoothly!
- Take a Midday Break In Fresh Air
I’ve noticed when you take the time to break away from the computer and take a walk outside…it does something mentally. We’ve all heard of the “mid-day slumps.” It’s that time of day that the yawns start coming, and most of us reach for a second cup of coffee. But after I started taking mid-day breaks outside, I came back to the screen so refreshed, ready to take on the world.
While these tips may seem so simple. They are not. It takes effort to abide by these rules, and they have made the biggest difference in my mental clarity and motivation.