Day-to-day life can often become so complicated and frenzied that we can easily lose sight of the fact that we’re on this earth to fulfill a unique mission. 

And what’s more, the current Coronavirus pandemic has added many additional layers of complexity as we learn to find our new rhythm of life in the midst of this global crisis.  

Underneath the pandemonium on the surface, though, are hidden gems. People are under some serious pressure right now, but do you know what else is under some serious pressure before it sparkles, and glistens, and shines its beauty to the world? A diamond. You’re a diamond in the making.

I’m a firm believer that there is a silver lining in every situation, even one as complicated as the current global crisis that is currently challenging us on many fronts. 

The unpredictability and fragility of everyday life is prompting people to examine their lives at deeper levels than ever before. We’re starting to ask ourselves questions like: What is really important in life?  What do I value? Am I spending my time on things that are important to me? How am I helping others?

There is a way to emerge from this precarious period, fraught with fear and uncertainty, more connected than ever to the essence of who we are, with new-found clarity around who we are and why we are here.

But how do we sift through the chaos and clutter in order to find deeper meaning and significance? Let me take the liberty of simplifying this for you.

We are each on this Earth for a very specific purpose. And yes, while there are bills to be paid, households to be managed, and people to care for, the real reason we are here is to leave an indelible mark on this world. It’s called your life purpose.

We all have unique energy and abundant gifts that need to be shared with the world, and we can uncover those by taking a deep, exploratory dive into learning to view our life through spiritual lenses.

My book SOAR discusses finding your purpose and how you can share your gifts with the world.  Here is an excerpt:

“We are all sent here with a unique set of gifts and talents that are meant to be shared with the world.  Sometimes these gifts are readily apparent and available and sometimes they remain dormant until a significant event in your life happens that causes you to do some serious soul-searching. I’m a firm believer that the real treasures are those that are buried deep within and require the most intense excavating to discover.  We all have them, and sometimes our greatest gifts are disguised in the form of our greatest heartbreaks or challenges. Remember that you have a choice about what you do with them, and you already have everything you need to transform your pain into a gift to the world.”

How Can I Discover My Life Purpose?

Carve out some time during the quarantine to sit quietly in a tranquil place, free from distractions, with a cup of your favorite tea, and reflect on the following questions. Journaling is always a great way to organize and document your thoughts so you may consider formalizing your reflections.

Here are 5 ways to begin the process of unleashing your life purpose:

What do I value most in life?

Now more than ever, we are taking inventory on what is most valuable to us. What types of experiences do I value? What types of relationships do I value?  What virtues do I strive to embody?  

What sets my soul on fire?

What are you passionate about? What lights me up? What energizes me? What types of endeavors resonate at a soul level? When we engage in an endeavor we are passionate about we get back as much as we give. We find ourselves in a constant, circular flow of energy that keeps fueling us.

How can you turn your life experiences into a gift to humanity?

Our greatest challenges may, in fact, be an invitation from the Universe to step into our greatness. What is my life story? What are my most challenging life experiences, and how can I transmute the pain I experienced into benevolence for others? What does this world need? How have my life experiences prepared me for greatness?

What are my natural gifts and talents?

What comes naturally to me? What activities flow with ease?  What do others recognize as my strengths? What types of activities am I naturally drawn toward?

What kind of legacy do I want to leave?

We all can leave an indelible mark on this world. What do I want to be remembered for? How do I want to be known?  How can I imprint my energy signature on the world? How can I celebrate my uniqueness?

This is a golden opportunity for us to make quantum leaps individually, as well as for humanity. 

Just as the levels of uncertainty, fear, and anxiety in our world right now are at all-time highs, this moment in history has the potential to take our lives to unprecedented highs… in the departments of depth, meaning, and purpose.

Discovering your purpose is a fascinating process of self-discovery.  Be patient, as the spark that flickers inside of you may take some time to ignite, and remember to enjoy the journey. 

Keep an open mind and heart and the universe will usher you to your life purpose.