Trying to get through your tasks at work can be extremely difficult when you have a migraine lingering. The pain can be excruciating and make it tough to concentrate on the tasks at hand. Is it possible to keep your migraines away when you’re at work? Is it possible to reduce on whilst you’re still on the job?
There can be several ways you can help yourself in preventing a migraine at work so you’re able to work to the best of your ability and avoid having trouble concentrating. Some work environments can actually enhance your chances of developing a migraine. Minimising your migraine triggers at work can help with keeping the migraines at bay. Here’s how.
1. Drink more water
A common trigger for migraines is because the body is dehydrated and in need of fluids. You’ll be using plenty of energy throughout the day so keeping your body hydrated and brain hydrated is extremely important. Keep a water bottle close to your desk and top it up regularly whilst you’re working.
2. Limit your caffeine intake
Caffeine acts as a diuretic which means your body will pass fluids relatively quickly if you have coffee regularly. It’s a common act in the office workspace for colleagues to regularly have coffee breaks whilst they work. If you find yourself doing this, try to lower the amount of caffeine that you have.
3. Get some help during your break time
Does your dentist offer emergency appointments that you can visit locally? A common problem with headaches and migraines that can occur during the day is bruxism, this is when your teeth clench at night and become sore from the pain they experience. If possible, visit your dentist Altrincham-based or nearby to get some advice on how you can avoid it.
4. Adjust your lighting
Your environment can be problematic for triggering your headaches. Whether it’s glare on your screen or bright lights above your head, these factors can contribute to developing headaches and you’ll find yourself squinting or rubbing your eyes regularly.
Some tips to avoid this would be to add an anti-glare screen protector to your screen or changing where you sit. Natural light can be less of a distraction when you’re working and can save you squinting at the screen.
5. Avoid skipping lunch
When times are stressful at work, it can be easy to skip lunch and dinners so you can work overtime. That’s a bad decision, however, as skipping food can be a headache trigger. If you feel you don’t have time to eat, it’s worth snacking healthily at your desk or keeping foods at the side of your desk that you can easily eat whilst you work.
Do you let your boss know?
Generally, you may prefer to keep your personal life separate from your work life, so you may avoid discussing your migraine problems with your colleagues and workers. However, if you feel you’ve tried to remove all the migraine triggers away from your desk and it’s still not working, it may be a good time to let your boss know.
If your work is suffering as a result, this should be highlighted in your performance reviews and request a doctor’s note for your condition if necessary. You should be able to provide yourself with the best possible environment to help you work productively so take the steps necessary to ensure this.