We often hear that weekends are there to take a step back, rejuvenate your mind & body and deeply reflect on issues that are important to you. While this may be true, it is also a chance to gain perspective on the week that was and implement strategies to get ready for the next one that is coming up.
You see…
“Productivity” has a much wider definition than many of us give it credit for. We tend to equate productivity with doing things, rather than with taking time to think, reflect, and rest. Multiple perceptions can be associated with the word itself. It is, therefore, important that we assess it in a much broader way so that we can appreciate it’s significance to the fullest and truly understand it’s impact in our lives.
How can you be productive in your own way? What actions can you implement to have a so-called ”productive” weekend? Is it sustainable to think that you can take this time to restore and shift gears without compromising your goals? Easier said than done right?
Fortunately, here are five tips on how to find the perfect harmony between work and life:
1. Don’t change your sleeping routine. Just because it is the weekend, does not mean that you have to change your sleeping schedule necessarily. Our daily sleep pattern is important, and it is what makes us feel replenished in the morning. While it may be tempting to sleep a few extra hours, keeping the momentum and waking up at the same time will give you a boost in energy so that you can focus and be productive.
2. Practice an active lifestyle. Look forward to your weekend by planning activities that will make you want to wake up. Anticipating things to come is proven to be quite the delight for human beings. Indulging yourself in new adventures will make you feel great about yourself and will improve your mood as the day goes by. Thus, your productivity will reach a new height.
3. Flex a different skill set. Take this time to learn a new or do something you have not done in a while. Train your mind to always be in learning mode as it will reduce your typical daily stress and will make you more productive as you will challenge your brain, to be more creative, to dissipate old patterns and remain in a discovery state of mind.
4. Create a tradition. Spend time with your family and friends by fostering great relationships. Memories with people that are important to you are priceless. This allows your soul to savor every moment with your inner circle and is undoubtedly a happiness booster. Your productivity level will increase as you will systematically use your time during the weekend in the most efficient way.
5. Stay away from technology. Turn off your phone and be as far as possible from any applications that will make you want to be stuck in front of the screen. Take a few days off from social media and from the short-lived dopamine effects of likes, and instead pursue a passion that will make you want to reconnect with yourself in the purest form. There is a great chance that you will increase your productivity by focusing on a passion and attain peak performance at the same time.
There you go, hope this provided great value for the audience.
I would love to hear your tips on how to be more productive during the weekend.
Thank you for reading,