Stay Happy

Your later years is the perfect time to sit back and appreciate the best things life has to offer. So, if you’re feeling down, we have 5 easy tips to get you happy again. Remember, you know more than most people living on this planet, so use that to your advantage. 

1. Being Active

Age and exercise go hand in hand. Sure, when you were 20 you could climb Mt Everest within an hour but today it might take 2 hours. Find exercises that you enjoy. Some people love being in the water for example, so water aerobics or just swimming once per day can be a great way to engage in physical activities. They say exercise has a direct correlation to our happiness. Your age does not matter, the perfect exercise is the one you love the most. After all, if you hate a particular workout, you most likely will not stick with it.  

2. Get a new companion 

Having a pet helps you stick to a routine, routines are crucial to our happiness. Depression comes to us at a very low point in life, when we feel we have no purpose. When we have nothing positive to do, our cognitive abilities start do go downhill. Having a dog reminds us that we need to care for something, feed the dog, play with the dog and walking the dog. But what dog should you get with so many breeds? French Bulldogs are ranked #5 for top breeds for the elderly. They are small, cute and easy to train. You can learn more about French Bulldogs at

3. Eat Healthily

You need to fill your body with powerful nutrients to stay happy. This will also help your progress with staying active. A diet plays so many factors in how we feel. One thing that’s big for us, is eating with a friend. Have a schedule where you visit a friend over lunch and reconnect or just discuss new things that are happening. If you can’t physically go to the store, there are so many new services to help people shop online. 

4. Update your wardrobe

Do a complete audit of your closet. Find items that you no longer need, toss them. Go to your favorite clothing stores and shop your heart out. We are happy when we put on that new outfit for a reason. It triggers our rewards system in the brain. 

Get routine haircuts. The same effect for new outfits absolutely applies to haircuts. When the solon reveals your new style, it will most likely put a big grin on your face. 

5. Spend more time with family

Your family is your inner circle, they have known you most of your life and you to them. Find some relatives that you have not spoken to for a while, reach out to them. We all need to be around our family. It keeps up feeling great. Build a calendar with times to call, text or meet up with relatives. You will be very happy you did.


Fix a bad relationship:

Haven’t you ever said sorry, or fixed a mistake in the past? Don’t you remember how great it felt to have that off your chest? Well, now is the perfect time to look back and see what opportunities you can fix. Sure, it’s an intimidating thing to do, but it surely will make you happy.