I know the New Year for many people bring new goals usually focused around health. We make resolutions around what we are going to eat, how much we will work out and so on. And, although I don’t personally make resolutions, I know many people still do or at least many people have begun a new workout routine this year. If you are one of these individuals then I truly want you to make it last. I want it to become a new habit for you that just becomes a part of your life, it becomes something you do without even having to think about it. So, how do you make this new workout routine or habit stick….
Follow these 5 tips and you are on your way to a brand new habit:
- Create a plan – Not everyone who begins a workout routine wants to join a gym or become part of group fitness classes, and depending where you are in the world today you may not even have access to a gym. There are however, so many free resources online to help you workout at home or anywhere for that matter. But, whatever you are doing, whether it’s at home workouts or at the gym, you need to make a plan. Having a plan sets you up for success, it makes the coming days easier to follow through because you don’t have to think about what you are doing or where you are going. You have already created the plan so now you just have to follow the plan. I suggest taking time over the weekend to look at your calendar and schedule in your workout times and if you are working out at home, plan what types of workouts you will be doing on specific days. Get as detailed as you can to make the follow through become easier.
- Start slowly – I know many of us want to start a new workout routine with guns blazing, and we put so much energy into it right at the beginning that we exhaust ourselves. You don’t need to do that, start slowly. Habits are created by small actions every single day. Consistency is more important than going super hard just to feel defeated and giving up before any real progress was made. Small hinges swing big doors. Small actions each day will lead to massive change over time.
- Find an accountability partner – grab a friend, your partner, kid or whoever wants to start a workout routine this year and hold each other accountable. Work out together if you can, if not check in with each other at least once a week to see how you are doing, what kind of workouts you’re doing, what your plan is for the coming weeks, ask each other where they need support for the next week. When we have someone holding us accountable we are more likely to follow through.
- Mix it up – one thing I have learned is that it is super important to mix up your workout routine. Not only for the benefits it has for your body, but also to be able to stick with it. If you are always doing the same thing over and over again you will get bored of it and want to quit. From the beginning mix it up. Challenge yourself in different ways, try different kinds of work outs, change up leg days and upper body days, switch up walking for running or cycling.
- Practice anywhere – I have seen so many people start a new workout routine and as soon as they travel for work, go on vacation or have a weekend getaway they stop. They lose their momentum and when they get home they have completely forgotten about the habit they were trying to create and don’t start again (at least not until the next New Year – sound familiar?). The beautiful thing about moving your body and working out is you can do it anywhere. You can do workouts in a hotel room, in a hotel gym, outside, camping, seriously I can’t think of a single place you couldn’t be able to workout at. Don’t stop because you aren’t at home, find the beauty in being able to workout anywhere, my favourite equipment to travel with that weigh nothing and take up minimal space are workout bands – they provide a great strength training option and are soooo easy to take anywhere with you, or even better, get outside and explore wherever you are, go for a walk, hike, or a nice jog. Do what you can with what you’ve got wherever you are! (By the way – I post a ton of mini workouts where no equipment is needed – check those out too!)
Working out isn’t a chore, and if you start this new habit with that mindset I guarantee you it won’t last. Embrace your workout routine, figure out what kind of movements you love, movements your body loves and do more of those. Shower yourself with so much love and gratitude every time you workout and move your body, be proud of yourself for showing up and doing it! Remember, don’t workout to punish yourself for food you have consumed or choices you have made, workout to feel energized, to truly feel amazing from the inside out!